Another size problem...
However, there is another inconsistant size problem that is bothering me...well, sort of bothering me. More of a curiosity really.
Anyway, I am currently flying a Humback which carries 250 units. The exact dimensions are not listed, but I am going to make some assumptions here. Bare with me:
Let's assume each "unit" of commodity is 1 square meter. Therefore, the Humpback can carry 250 square meters of cargo. This would have to be a cargo bay that has dimensions similar to 10 long X 5 meters wide X 5 meters tall. This sounds reasonable. And in looking at the ship itself, it appears to be about 20 meters long, so the cargo area would fit nicely into the ship. Everything looks great.
Here's the problem.
We have all seen transport ships that can carry upwards of 800,000 units of cargo. What the?! Ok, well first it looks like they are actually hauling four seperate cargo containers. So let's assume each container holds 200,000 units of cargo. Using the same 1 square meter rule, these containers would have to be 100 meters long X 50 meters wide X 40 meters tall. And since there are 4 of them, that means the transport itself is over 400 meters long. That's the same distance as 40 Humpbacks!!! And it would have to be almost 10 times taller!
Now, I don't know if any of you have flown up close to one of those transports, but there is no way they are 40 times longer than a humpback. They barely look twice the size of a humpback.
Regardless, even if my calculations are off a bit here or there, the difference between being able to carry 250 units and 800,000 units is huge!! Those ships need to be bigger...and I need to be able to buy one...
Those are my thoughts, not yours, I'm WapCaplet[!