Tue Apr 01, 2003 9:01 pm by slug609
Where to mine: check your NAV map and click the symbol on the top that looks like a couple of pick-axes. If you have visited any mining areas in the current system, they will show up as yellow areas -- normally asteroid fields/belts and large debris fields.
How to mine: while in a mining area, you'll notice that some debris floating around will cause your targeting reticule to change into a white, spinning reticule rather than the normal blue circle. These floating pieces of junk or rock are what you are looking for! Shoot them, but don't use too much firepower on them or you might destroy the loot. Use a number key (or better yet turret view!) to fire just one of your weapons at once. Not all of these rocks will leave stuff for you to tractor, but many will.
Mining is looked down upon by several folks here, but I think it's pretty fun to do for some reason, for a little while anyway. Reminds me of Asteroids from back in the day... anyhow, you can get different things depending on where you are mining, from boron to water, even high-price stuff in more dangerous areas.
Hope that helps!