One of the BEST features of Freelancer in my opinion...
Anyone else feel that one of the coolest and best thing about the Freelancer universe is the actual universe? I mean...these guys clearly took some time developing it. Reading about all the stations/planets, reading all the news and talking to all the people (minus the repetitive dialogue - I'm talking about the text stuff), reading about various factions...even reading about all the various commodities and the ships that you just makes it feel so real.
*Here's where the slight spoilers lie about the basic setting of the game*
Some of the subtleties are the best. I've caught myself thinking several times in regard to the different systems "Typical - people never change" (and I'm just approaching Mission 5, so I'm not even halfway through the game). I guess I just think they did a fantastic job of setting up the atmosphere of the game - each system really does have a personality and story to tell. It's not just a bunch of planets and stars and stations on a map. Everything has a reason and a history, and sometimes it's even scary how much you can see our own history/nature in the story (though maybe I'm just too cynical - lol).
I also have to say people who don't pay attention to this stuff are really missing out (though I grant that some people this just doesn't appeal to as much). It's like a really good draws you in and makes you want to learn more about everything. That's an odd analogy for me since I'm a bit obsessive compulsive and don't read books at all anymore since it's too frustrating for me (takes me FOREVER...get stuck in loops on paragraphs). Happens for games too, but Freelancer is worth it (not THAT much text, and it's sooo interesting). Anyways, maybe that's part of the reason I'm excited - it's like a book I can stand reading, but still...great stuff and great universe. Kudos to the imaginative people who thought all this out!
Just my two cents,