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Little problems with the mod

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Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:24 pm

Little problems with the mod

I've got just a few little complaints about the mod and I'll be done.

First, the ship type you have inccorectly labeled as Enterprise NCC1701-A

Wrong. it is the pre-refit Enterprise NCC1701, no a. If you want references to the correct appearance of the A model, I will be happy to supply images of the A enterprise to you.

Second, I'd like to see some starfleet bases, like utopia planita in orbit around mars, which is their primary shipyard. Maybe jupiter station out at Io as well for special starfleet ships, and spacedock in orbit around earth for the older classes of ship, with the new generation mostly found at utopia planita.

Third, I cannot get ahold of the sovergn class of ship. It is at a base ALWAYS hostile to me. Please move it to earth or mars.

Fourth, you have incorrectly labeled the phaser types. The weakest is called "Phaser, Type 9" Followed by type 10 and then Type 12, which is mounted on the latest ships, the sovergn and such. Also the pulse phaser is labeled type U (Why they called it such, I don't know.) Also, torpedos are not energy based, but do have actual rounds they fire. Also, some of the bigs ships have been seen firing both photons and quantum torpedos. So, make a universal federation torpedo launcher that fires both types. Also, I recall never seeing a dominion poleron beam, and the klingons have several types of disruptors as well.

Fifth, I'd like to see many more starfleet ships in the mod. If you need images for reference, I'd be happy to give you several cannon and semi-cannon class pics for your meshers to use as reference to create new meshes for the new ships, as well as the stats and weapons locations.

Sixth, and final, I'd like to see more starwars and trek systems opened up. Like vulcan, Endor, Tattoine, Quo'nos, Romulus, Bajor, Yavin, ect. And please add in starfleet as an independent faction, along with the imperials and rebels instead of having starfleet as a shoo-in to B5's earth alliance and the starwars universe not having any representation at all other than ships.

Captain of the Kep Salu

Trekkie and proud of it!

Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:37 pm

yo c'mon man give crabby a break, hes been workin' his butt off to make us this wonderful mod, just have fun with it the way it is, im sure some of your requests wil be granted in later versions, but for now, just take in the rest of the mod, its not like the enterprize wutever having an A on the end is the end of the world right?

You can run, but run fast.... 1 shot is all I need.

Post Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:38 pm

id have to agree with offince, also id like ot see alot more upgrades for engines and powerplants and armor along with sheilds...
also ya we should give him a break since his busy patching the thing. sorry i had to put my 2 cents in also.

Post Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:23 pm

The biggest thing is the sovergn location corrected and the name problem corrected. I can live with the other stuff.

Captain of the Kep Salu

Trekkie and proud of it!

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