Just wanted to throw in my $0.02 about the Earth Alliance system. It's great, but trying to fit them all in there doesn't really work. You can see a couple of distant planets but if you fly past the F6 map boundary to reach them, they give weird names, one of the was the same name as a base iirc.
I suggest splitting the Earth Alliance into two systems, the inner and outer systems. So you could have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter inside the Outer Earth Alliance, and Mars, Earth, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Sol (the system's star) in the Inner Earth Alliance system. The inner system should be accessible via the Outer one, to give the illusion that it's all one system.
Also, most if not all of the planet descriptions are screwed. The station beside Jupiter does not even have a name, it just shows up as ", Earth Alliance System", so when you launch the announcer says "Freelancer Alpha One dash One, this is, prepare to launch". The infocards for the planets say they are Pittsburgh, and the bases are Battleship Suffolk iirc. I don't know what history is decided for the Earth Alliance system, you'll know better than me what should be in there and why.
Btw the infocard problem seems to plague most planet/base/ship info in Rebalance. I don't know why this happens. Sorry to say, but it looks really shoddy. The LF/HF/VHF/Freighter designations also tend to be vague, if I want to know what a ship is I have to pretend to purchase it, and when the dealer is letting me decide what cargo/items to transfer over, I click on the Shield equipment and check what shield is loaded on the ship. It doesn't help that HFs and VHFs share the same HF-type equipment either, although presumeably they are basically the same class.
Also the very first ship you fly (Starblazer?) itself has a messed-up infocard, instead of the loadout, you get a repeat of the info text, and it looks very sloppy. It's a great mod otherwise, but the untrustworthiness of a lot of the infocards is really annoying.
Edit: Okay, I just realized this thread was for the 2.1 Upgrade, and NOT Rebalance itself. Bad girl
Oh well you can recycle my comments for 3.4 Final if you want to.
Edited by - Trucidation on 4/24/2004 9:18:05 PM