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Couple comments

Here you can find news, get help and comment about ?The Next Generation? Mod for Freelancer

Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:20 pm

Couple comments

Hey your mod is quite a work of art. My only significant complaint is that you NEED!!!!! to tone down the weapon drop rate. When playing through, why would anyone want to trade when you can go shoot some level 1 pirates and scoop up 200,000 dollar guns that they drop? The loot drop is so bad that by the second mission I had shields and a ship so expensive and tough that I never needed to move - NPC ships could not even scratch my shields. There needs to be a better controlled curve from posessing low level ships to the high level ones, expecially if this mod wants to provide a good SP experience.

Secondly, some of the ships, while getting an A for effort only detract from the experience. Noone wants to fly around in a POS with awful textures. The power given to some of these ships is a bit abusive as well. Like I said, A for effort and all, and being a modder myself totally encourage continued development of their modeling and texturing skills, but some of those ships just should not make it past a 1.0 version of a mod.I am sure you can guess what ships I am talking about.

Finally, could you include some of the quests from the Hostile Universe mod? Plot is always the coolest addition. I was quite impressed with some of the ideas of research and economic design in the HU universe as well.

Overall, the mod is brilliant. despite my complaints I cant wait to get home and play it. I just wish it took me longer then 15 minutes to get a million dollar fighter.



Post Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:16 pm

Thanks for the feedback:

1: Regarding the drops, they are already at .0025% how much lower do you expect me to go? Thats a quater of 1%. Even at .0001 they still drop like mad.

2: Actually I don't know what ships you are talking about. Which one do you think are bad? Also what constitutes a good ship? You view or my view? Or the other persons? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I have to give everyone a change else I am discriminating.

3: Giskard has asked that we not use these so we won't. We are not like alot of other modders who just take stuff from other mods wether or not we have permission or not. That is part of the problem, everyone is a copycat.

As far as the money goes everyone is different I have people who complain because 15 min is TOO LONG to get a million $$ fighter. Yet you want it longer, who should I listen too and who is right?

Reynen Starfyre
Project Leader: Starfyre Studios
Freelancer: The Next Generation

Post Sun Aug 31, 2003 7:19 am

Understandable. Thanks for the quick reply. One follow up question - IS there an easy way I can change the drop rate in my copy of your mod? Just for my own single player experience?



Post Mon Sep 01, 2003 2:14 am

Another quick comment - Is it me or are the NPC ships only going 80? In my big fat ugly trade ship noone can catch me, and I dont even need to use the cruise engines. I think the light fighters going 200 is cool and all, but how bout 80 for the capitol class ships (transports and all)? Also, is there any way to reduce the maneuverability of the capitol class ships? They should probably have a similar meneuverability to the Reichland tranport from the regular game, so that they can only bring their heavy front guns to bear on installations or other capitol class ships.

Just some thoughts. Thanks for all your hard work on this mod. it is awesome.

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