OK. I completely wiped Freelancer, the mod and FLMM; directories, files and all. I reinstalled FL, rebooted, ran it once and setup my settings. Installed FLMM 1.2 (the link on your site to 1.2BETA is dead, so I installed 1.2 from Lancer's DL page. Hope this is correct). Installed TNG 1.55. Patched to 1.56B. Activated the mod and started a new game.
After I return Ashcroft for Mission 2, I have a ton of money, so I buy a FEDEX and goto the Nexus. The FEDEX is outfitted with the standard shield, thruster and equipment. I am using 5 Badariel lvl 3 turrets found in the wrecks in NY. I then fly with no loadout to the nexus. No problems until I land on Freeman's Base.
Lands fine, but when I click on any room, after it appears to be done loading the room, it crashes to desktop. the music is still playing and the application shows up in the taskbar, but freelancer.exe is gone from the task list. DXDIAG.EXE is running in the process list, however, and is chewing up CPU and RAM. After 30 seconds, dxdiag and Freelancer on the taskbar closes and Windows wants to send an error report. The CD-ROM also spins up during those 30 seconds. When I goto Trader's Paradise, I still can't buy anything due to unfriendliness with Universal Shipping, which is incorrect as I am friendly with them.
Again, I have legal copy of Windows XP Pro SP1 with every Windows update patch applied (including DX 9.0
. I have a GeForce3 TI 200 and I am running the newest video driver from Nvidia's site (same as the one from Windows update as Nvidia's newest driver is WHQL certified. I tried both, same problem). I have a 1.5GHz P4 on an Intel board with 256MB RAM with a SB Live 5.1 XGamer. I'm not hacking or using any other mods. This happens every time I'm in the Nexus. Please see if you can replicae this problem, because I sure can; over and over and over again.
Thanks Rey
"Without Mods, this game is toast!"