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C++ or VB Tool

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Post Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:50 am

C++ or VB Tool

Hi Freelancers

I just read about this tool and thought it would be good to share it with the community. It is a free D/L and 30 day evaluation. Here is some info fo you to read.

WinBatch is the Windows desktop automation solution -- take nearly anything your computer can do, and assign it to a simple menu selection, command or hotkey. We've put the power of a complete programming language at your fingertips, so you can create simple, useful applications -- like a utility that prints files overnight -- but we've made it easy enough for quick-and-dirty, everyday solutions, like typing "Sincerely, Mary Smith" whenever you hit a hotkey. And with our WinBatch+Compiler, you can compile your applications into .EXE files and distribute them to anyone you want, royalty-free -- great for network system administrators.

Link below

"It doesn’t matter what universe you’re from. That’s got to hurt!"

Post Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:22 pm

Here's two tools that are open source iirc. The programs can freely be downloaded and used, they don't cost anything, however that doesn't make them "cheap". They both are maintained regularly and have both a fairly huge community, whose members can help you out if you have any questions about the programs.

1st is "AutoIt" from

2ns is "AutoHotkey" from

Althou AutoHotkey is branched off of a prior version of AutoIt, both programs are developed independently of each other by different programmers. So both tools have their own strength and weaknesses. What is difficult to do in one can be done easily in the other.

Here's some noob code I put together to make my router reconnect to the internet every morning at the same time. This is just to show how coding for those two looks like. The example is for AutoIt; Autohotkey has a slightly different set of commands and syntax, but they don't differ too much.

And no, AdlibEnable doesn't have anything to do with that ancient series of soundcards

<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>AdlibEnable ("LoginWindowCheck"
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0)
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)
while 1
sleep (500)
Until @hour = 5 AND @min = 00 AND @sec = 00
Run("C:\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe
WinWaitActive ("m0n0wall.local"
$HasReconnected = "0"
$var = PixelGetColor(397, 280)
sleep (250)
Until $var = 0x000000 OR $var = 0xD4D0C8
If $var = 0x000000 Then
MouseClick("left", 397, 280, 2)
$var = PixelGetColor(397, 280)
sleep (250)
Until $var = 0xD4D0C8
MouseClick("left", 397, 280, 2)
$var = PixelGetColor(397, 280)
sleep (250)
Until $var = 0x000000
$HasReconnected = "1"
If $var = 0xD4D0C8 AND $HasReconnected = "0" Then
MouseClick("left", 397, 280, 2)
$var = PixelGetColor(397, 280)
sleep (250)
Until $var = 0x000000
Func LoginWindowCheck()
If WinActive ("Username" Then
Send ("{ENTER}"
EndFunc </font></pre>

There's lotsa stuff in there I'd do differently today than I did back then, but it still gets it's job done. Never fix a running system or how it goes...

Edited by - Preacher0815 on 10/14/2006 4:27:06 PM

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