Ok, after a long time away from this project, been extremely busy with RL and a few other projects (Asgard RPG 3.X being one of them) i have had some down time from the net lately and started reworking this project.
It has taken on a all new direction. it is no longer just a ini wizard program. it is now being developed as a full blown Freelancer Intigrated Mod Development Environment.
Here is some new sreenshots of the program so far.
Splash Screen (NEW)
Project Setup Screen (NEW)
There are 4 tabs here:
This tab is the main Project setup tab. Each option here should be self explanitory but if you have questions please ask, or even suggestion too.
This tab lets you add in some advanced extra FLMM script.xml files that were distributed with the FLSDK version 1.4 which this program uses.
If you selected to include a readme.txt file with your project you will enter it's contents here. if you do not enter the content after checking this option the program will tell you so and ask you to correct the option or enter soem content.
This tab lets you add in a basic FLMM Script.xml file, again same as with the readme if you select the option on the main tab then you have to enter content in each box or uncheck the option to include this file.
Main Window:
This is a screenshot of the main program window with a project loaded. This screenshot shows a few things. First, on either side are calapsable windows, much like Visual Studio 2003 or greater. on the left is a list of all the folders in your project, by selecting one you will notice it populates the right window with the files in that folder. Also you will notice here that the Programs editor window is opened when you open the project file. This is only done when you have selected to include the Readme.txt file with your new project setup.
To open a Ini file in your project you would simply double click a entry in the Project Files window.
The last screenshot i will show you at this moment is the bonus ships window.
This is being added so that new modders and experienced modders can add in a few nice new ships to thier mod. The ships shown in this window are allowed to be used by modders for inclusion into thier projects. all we ask is like everyone else please just credit us for our work. You will notice on each tab there is a 'Preview' button these will (for the moment) open up the Macromedia Flash Player program and show you a fly around. this is a quick solution to help us get this project done quicker and provide the basic elements for a custom model viewer that will be later developed. The Custom Tab is a redundancy at this point and is being removed for the first initial release. It may return later if it is proven needed.
Well that is all for now, i must get back to work in this one if i ever plan on getting it done. cheers and please feel free to post comments, critz, and the like.