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Editing kit

Here you can find the postings on the different editing utilities found for Freelancer

Post Fri May 28, 2004 9:11 am

Editing kit

Hi, I'm a new editor and need the tools of the trade.There are so many programs for editing and I can't decide what I really need so I was hopeing that somebody could maybe give me some links to good editing programs so I don't have to search forever.Also for future referance maybe someone could make a small editing kit for us newbs with the basic tools for editing or if there is already a kit like this that they can make a link to it or tell me where to find it.Thank you for your time.

A stealthy and clever pirate.

Post Fri May 28, 2004 9:46 am

I'm not going to make a bunch of links for you but what you really need is:
FL SDK 1.3 (EOA forum)
FLED ids (downloads)
FLMM (downloads)
Good to have:
UTF editor (downloads)
CRC calculator (downloads)
FL Stat (downloads)
FLExplorer (EOA forum)
Tutorials (tutorial forum and downloads)

Check the utility thread by bakedpotato in this forum. He has provided links to most of these there, plus alot of other utilities that you might want.

Post Fri May 28, 2004 10:09 am

Thank you man.Also I did check the thread it's just that I couldn't decide what I really needed.

A stealthy and clever pirate

P.S.I was wondering can these programs work for other files of their certain type.example:an fl ini editor editing non-fl ini's

Edited by - Lane_Hacker on 5/28/2004 11:39:53 AM

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