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what is this milkshake?

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Post Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:40 pm

what is this milkshake?

ive seen around in most of the modding forums ppl mension "milkshake" what is it? i no its a drink ha ha but what is it to do with freelancer? just curious thanks

U no were all just molecules bouncin around!

Post Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:43 pm

SORRY SILLY ME! I MISS READ IT! its milkshaPe not milkshake lol but whats milkshape?

U no were all just molecules bouncin around!

Post Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:54 pm

No offense - but have now read three threads by you, all of which......with a little EFFORT by yourself are un-necessary.

1. Base names - see the posts - either in a stickied tutorial database, or by using the site search function.

2. Milkshape? simply put - 3 ways, search the site for milkshape and find out.
Look at tutorials on how to use it
or using threads with it in, go to the milkshape homepage and find it there.

3. factions - tutorials, (AGAIN), making everyone but xenos friendly (by Reynen i believe).

Now i don't want to seem like flaming, BUT its quicker to look for yourself rather than posting new topics about it. Trust me - you could have had answers on all of these hours and hours ago

Post Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:15 pm

Chips you crack me up...
MilkShape 3D

Create and edit models for games like Freelancer, Quake I, II, III, Half-Life, Unreal Tournament, including full animation! Or write your custom export plugin with the SDK!

Sorry I cant stay and chat I have to run...

Post Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:13 am

Sorry, baked - and Gizmoeddy, its just that there are starting to be lots and lots of posts that are just "how do i do this" - when the answer is literally just "look up" or "thread below details this"...............just seems to be about 70% asking questions that have been answered alot again (and are incredibly visibly answered just below them too). Suppose its just cause got used to not having many questions being asked due to peeps either searching or no "new" blood for several months i suppose........

Milkshape is a modelling program to make ships. However, I still stand by the "please try searching" statement - as you could have found out around the same time as you posted this thread, rather than several days later. Same for some other questions.........coupled with which you will just be pointed at the tutorials forum and newbie questions by others too
Also its a kinda forum ettiquette i suppose - posting a new thread for each question usually just fills the screen up with new questions, which annoys people as they have threads which answer those questions. Furthermore - if everyone did that when they had a question, you would find that we would have about 10-15 new threads a day..............and the interesting stuff might get buried beneath the new threads (all of which are usually answered in two existing threads.....)

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