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UTF Editor questions

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Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:03 am

UTF Editor questions

I have been trying to mod my own ship for the past weekend and have run into a brick wall.

The UTF editor needs to have the nodes renamed (material library and texture library). But I can not find the option to rename anything other than the values inside the nodes...

I also have about a hundred questions regarding the entire process, if anyone has the time to answer a few let me know.

Post Mon Dec 29, 2003 7:20 am

Got it!!!

(Makes me really feel intelligent that it was a spasm of rage that gave me the clue...)

Anyway, for those others who like me were trying right click, highlight and type, or searching for a 'rename' button: STOP. The solution is to highlight the node, then click on it with BOTH mouse buttons. (Or maybe just the center button on a three button mouse?)

Hope that others out there don't get as worked up over this as I just did...

Post Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:56 pm

What works for me is:
Leftclick to highlight the node of which I want to change the name
Then leftclick again on the node without releasing the mousebutton (keep it down) and then rightclick.


Post Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:31 pm

An even easier way is to left click wait a couple of seconds and left click again

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