The Editing Utilities is where some of the utilities were posted before we started using the download section for everything.
BiniQDU Can be found in in the Freelancer Editing Utilities Forum.
Instead of BiniQDU you might want to use
Freelancer SDK v1.3
FreelancerSDK is set of decompressed ini files(over 1200) from the original game of Freelancer, you can use this package to make your mod making life easier since it contains fixes for all the major errors in the original source. It also fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini.
The thing here being this
fixes the errors caused from decompression using bini.
Just extract The
Freelancer SDK v1.3 into a folder and edit the files from there. Then you start out with an error free Mod.
You can also install a copy or Freelancer SDK v1.3 into the Freelancer folder because it makes the game run better and also seems too be more stable.
The SDK comes with an installer.
How did those errors get in there...
Edited by - bakedpotato on 29-12-2003 21:50:35