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Interfacing with FLMM

Here you can find the postings on the different editing utilities found for Freelancer

Post Sun Jun 15, 2003 8:41 pm

I'll use the trial at home or the release at work However i don't know when i'll be able to do it. I am in the middle of adding the code for the NPCs in my editor and it's taking hell of a time.

Post Mon Jun 16, 2003 2:03 am

than i am a "hardcoremoduser"

more More MORE !

i played the elder scrolls III - morrowind with 50 to 75 mods/addons installed
on my p3/600 [with a 15 meter sight ingame

ironically i does not use flmm at all
i unpack every mod and open the xml-file to do the changes by hand
now i am merging babylon5 v3.00 with rebalance mod 1.40 and some other ships/addons to have a mod that i really like
babylon5 has many ships while rebalance mod has other good additions
but both mods have very ugly things in them too
like too difficult and unfair at the beginning

my biggest problem is the dll-loading
i have no infocard or such stuff for every added thing because i cant load all the dlls at one time
doing THOSE changes by hand .......

can flmm merge dlls ?

"we will meet again, some sunny day"


Post Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:52 pm

Could you make a dll or the modmanager itself activeX compatible, in this way other programs (even the ones written in V can interact without using the commandline.

vini, vidi, reor vici sed....

Post Tue Jun 17, 2003 2:56 am

Well, right now I don't think it's worth the trouble. Using the command line, you can activate small mods in <5 seconds on my computer, and big mods (like FLRebalance) in <15 seconds .

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 5:24 am

This is slightly OT, but what about having a separate bit for just adding ships. As alot of the popular mods completely replace some .ini's FLMM will not let you install a ship mod over them e.g. Millenium Falcon.

Ship only packs could come in the same .xml script but the line for making ships buyable at a certain base would not specify a base. Instead, when the mod is activated, the user would say which base to add the ship(s) to via a pull down menu. Ideally the base list would be scanned from .ini's to take other mods into account but the default ones would be fine. FLMM would then backup market_ships in the usual way. Deactivating the mod would be as normal.
This way any ship could be patched in to any mod - if the authors released it as a separate pack - and you wouldnt have to keep tracking half way across the universe to check out a new ship

If this will be alot of hassle i'll write something to do it, but it makes sense to keep it in FLMM as everyone uses it already.

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 3:20 pm

My 2 cts ?

I like to see an "<include>" tag into the xml. Scripts are getting quite huge, so it could be usefull to split them for easy editing, and have them combined when activating th mod.

Anyway, a very nice prog, soo usefull.

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 8:04 pm

ive used FLMM v1.2 beta and it moves my save games but now i cant get em back, how can i get them back?

Post Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:37 pm

redeye: I considered that for a while, but it didn't seem worth all the trouble, especially with all the ship packs people have started releasing. If you want, though, you could make a program that would analyze the mods in FLMM's \mods folder, and modify the xml files of ship mods to be compatible. That's certainly possible, and would work.

Marc: Thanks! I'll consider that, and figure out how much effort that would take to do.

FL.Danny: deactivate all mods, and if that doesn't do it, do "Tools\Restore Backups"

Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:20 am

FLMM v1.2 beta 5 is out, and supports a command line parameter to activate and deactivate mods:

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