First off where the news items are kept, in the data/missions folder is the news.ini of course back it up before you edit it. Heres an example from the ini file of how it works:
rank=base_0_rank, mission_end
Let me break it down, the first part the
rank=base_0_rank, mission_end
Tells freelancer when this news item is to appear, this is esspically important for multiplayer. This specific base_0_rank, mission_end bassicaly means ALWAYS SHOW, so if you wanted to add new news for multiplayer you would want to use this tag to show it.
The next part:
is the small icon and large picture that is show when you access the news item, these are based off another ini *i assume i havn't looked in depth yet* or on the acuttaly names of the texture files it refers too, for now i am *and you should too unless you know how* use the built in icons and logos.
Next is:
This is the meat and bones of the news items, this tells a category and headline, with are the name of the news story basicly, the catgeory is for the list area on the news and the headline is the acutally news story name, almost always theses are the same numbers, the numbers of course reffer to the number to a string table. The text is the acutall news story it is an infocard or in XML format of text, and so the number points to that.(Note: I have not been able to find the orignal news headlines or storys so far since i use the FL ini refrencer and it can't calc these low numbers.) The last is audio= leave this out, it looks like *and confirmed in freelancer.ini* that they were going to have audio speech for the news storys but decied to take it out for whatever reason.
And lastely:
If you hadnt gussed already this tells where the news story will be 'show' or accessable. For instance if you wanted to add this news story to mathatten you would just add base=Li01_01_Base to do so. Very easy.
Thats pretty much it, not really that hard at all. I have added one news story and it works perfectly in single and multiplayer. Have fun
Edited by - quickshot14 on 26-03-2003 06:18:19
Edited by - quickshot14 on 26-03-2003 06:19:28
Edited by - quickshot14 on 26-03-2003 06:19:43