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Who wins the war?

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Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:03 am

ah yes, but remember now that MS/DA changed the intro movie, the sun never got exploded (for all we know) but w/e.... seriouslyt tho archangel i agree with u.... the 45th flying tigers cant lose the war!!! we are indefeated (i had i thikl 490+ kills at end of game, and outranked enriquez at like mission 20.... and totally coulda be steiner) and even if they have many ppl, we can keep trying again and agin, cus we cant die (just mission failed)

over and over and over again just like groundhog day (bad movie btw dont see it)

Did somebody say my name?
-Gamma Wing
It's the dreaded G-Man[[![[![[![[!

Post Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:25 am

I heard about a third game in a "trilogy", referred to as Conquest...anyone know about it?

Post Thu Apr 03, 2003 3:12 pm

I don't know anything about what games were suppose to come but what about pirates. I mean we have so many in freelancer you would think there would be one group in starlancer and maybe they could show the war from their point of view and they are the true winners.

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:55 am

well my 2 cents is that the alliance had to be the one to flee. cuz there would really be no point to freelancer if it was a communist empire
all my trading profits would have to go to mother russia

Post Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:51 pm

well heres my take.
the alliance creates more ships like the yamato and start capturing shipyards to build regular types like the washington and bremen
they get into the inner Sol. where the meet up with the coalition 1st fleet. a huge battle rages destroying venus. the coalition uses a massive cloaking device to cloak their carriers, get in close and fire. This causes unrest in the alliance fllet because of the point blank range combat. thus whack-a-mole tactics are used, fill all attack vectors with fire hoping for a hit, and thus the cloaks are scrapped. alliance makes a super heavily armored shroud that moves in and destroys the coalition shield generators but all are shot to pieces. the alliance makes a push towards earth where they find hundreds of dark reign type stations in orbit. this totally crushes the fleet. the last of the ships, combat and cargo, are given a skeleton crew and are filled with explosives, most are destroyed but they manage to take out most of the stations and the sleeper ships leave. the combined ion explosions cause a gravitational anomaly that causes the sun to go nova destroying the last of the coalition. Enter Freelancer.


Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 7:59 am

@starlancerace: nice story, buddy. looks like you got a gift

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:03 am

Indeed, pretty Impressive

Post Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:08 am

Quite an imagination u got there... kinda cheesy though

Post Sat Jan 03, 2004 6:13 pm

ah yes, but remember now that MS/DA changed the intro movie, the sun never got exploded (for all we know)

Anyone mind telling me why they did that?
Also, anyone think that the Nomad ship that Nova'ed the Sun was a time-traveller sent to make sure the meddling humans wouldn't, well, meddle in their affairs?

Actually, the Nomads did the sleepers a favor by destroying the Coalition. If the Coalition survived, they could've sent ships to follow the sleepers, maybe even use the warp engines to catch up.

cuz there would really be no point to freelancer if it was a communist empire

If I remember correctly, there was no mention in SL that the Coalition was communist. It was simply a military alliance between Russia, China, and some other nations.

I heard about a third game in a "trilogy", referred to as Conquest...anyone know about it?

Well, MicroSoft/Digital Anvil scrapped the third game after SL didn't meet the sales requirements. Instead, they went straight to FL, albeit years later. The more time goes by, the less likely it seems that there will be another game in the series. There IS a game by UbiSoft called "Conquest: Frontier Wars", but I has absolutely nothing to do with SL and FL. It seems more like StarCraft meets "Starship Troopers".

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