The human eye has no limit. It's infinitely high. We stream light constantly from the world, not in pieces.
So the higher the frame rate, the better. The whole thing about 24 being the max or 60 being the max or whatever is a lie. Just a misunderstanding.
BTW, fighter craft pilots have had their eyes tested and they found that they can see an image flashed infront of them at a speed of 1/300 of a second.
Yes, the human eye has no limited, but the brain has :p
And yes, some of the fighter pilots could see those flashs, but not all
And well, at something like 500 fps they would not notice even a complete white frame
Btw, most monitors run at a refreshrate between 75 and 120 hz, so anything above the refresh rate of the monitor is anyway a waste
at least from the view aspect, though some fps players claim that they can run the controlls smother with framerates above 120 ... no idea if they just brag, I certainly can´t, 60 is for me definalty enough.