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Instant Action

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:26 pm

Instant Action

I mostly play the SP missions, but I've dabbled in Instant Action a bit, and found it to be quite entertaining. However, I'm constantly stuck in the Grendal, with a the same loadout all the time. From a game designer's perspective, this makes sense. While the Grendal is an able ship, it certainly isn't the deadliest of the bunch, so it increases difficulty. I'm curious, is there a way to change ship/loadout that I'm missing short of using SL Edit to swap the Grendal with another ship?

Post Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:16 am

I don't think you can change the instant action fighter or missle loadout without using SL Edit

--- A TopGun through and through ---

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