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The Ultimate Starlancer Question

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Post Sun Jun 26, 2005 11:06 am

The Ultimate Starlancer Question

I have never played starlancer so i would love to know.......................
Is IT Any Good?

is it better than freelancer?

are the graphics better or worse?

Post Sun Jun 26, 2005 11:28 am

You're talking about two very differant games here, friend. Freelancer is free-explore mode of a universe, Starlancer is a more traditional linear style military campaign. It just depends on what you're looking for in a space sim. One more important limiting factor of Freelancer is that it doesn't allow you the joystick, which Starlancer does.

Starlancer is a great game though, as anyone here will tell you. The Graphics are fairly simplistic for their time period, but still hold their own today. The game looks quite good if you have a machince capable of running it, I highly recomend picking it up if you can. It has good single player story and great multiplayer, with the best feature being the ability to play throught the entire main campaign in cooperative play with up to six of your best friends.

It's definately worth the investment now. I found mine on a $10 rack in a gaming store, but you can also pick it up online (Though you'll pay more for shipping then for the game itself).

Post Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:39 pm

IMHO the main problem is that it is extremely dark. (Not dark plot but literally) It's very hard to see where you are so 9/10 times I die its from Collisions, and the mission where you fly inside a space station is easy to get in lost in but it's still a great game. CapShip vs. CapShip battles are awesome and although (at least for me) it crashes a little too often, but I also like the feeling that you are making a difference. Sucess or failure makes future missions easier or harder. So It's definately a nice game, although you probably want to set the brightness a notch or two higher.

Post Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:06 am

starlancer a great game.... just that it keeps crashing back to desktop all the time.take all the fun out of there a patch???????

death is the last great adventure.

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