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Is FL any good?

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Post Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:34 pm

Is FL any good?

I tried the demo on freelancer, which was semi-fun with the arcadish shooting. I love SL with it's semi-complicated controls to learn and detailed control over your ship you have.
So, is Freelancer a good game? As far as space fighting, that is. I'm not too worried about the trading and junk, just flying missions if I can. Also, how is the Multi-player? Is it worthwhile?

If you've played both, do me a favor and drop a note on how they compare (SL and FL) in SP and MP modes.

Thanks a lot,

Post Wed Jan 21, 2004 12:46 pm

FreeLancer and StarLancer are quite similar. The battle engine are quite similar except for the huge fact that FL uses a mouse instead of a joystick. Overall, it provides a more lazy experience but much more accurate. and it allows you to shoot something without putting it on a collision course . I enjoyed FreeLancer when I switched from StarLancer, as it's much more open-ended instead of having set objectives that you have to do. Multiplayer is quite open-ended too, even more so than SP. Instead of having to kill other players, you can co-operate or just leave each other alone and progress to get better equipment and ships. Of course, you can still kill each other . It's a little less organized, but gives more freedom. I'd say it's worth the buy.

Post Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:37 am

I'd dispute the "freelancer and starlancer" are quite similar line. I played the freelancer demo and that was enough to tell me that it wasn't the game for me. A default 3rd person view (similar to ancient arcade games like G-lock) and the point and click combat (with a follow the gunsight combat system similar to the even more ancient 'starwars' arcade game) just didn't light my lemon. Don't let me put you off, however, since lots of people like Freelancer. Just don't expect it to play in any way like Starlancer.
I was mightily disapointed by the Freelancer Demo having waited for a sequel to Starlancer with bated breath.

Ban REVERSE THRUST! Fly something other than a phoenix for a change!

Post Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:46 am

its entirely up to you at the end of the day. if you feel you can't survive without your joystick, leave FL alone!

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