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random CTD

This is a free discussion forum on Starlancer. This is the place to discuss general issues concerning StarLancer.

Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:39 pm

random CTD

Ok, there was a thread on this but it seems to have disappeared...

Anyway, I changed combatibility in SL to windows 2000 (it's the only one that works, game wont launch in others) and I turned off 3D sound. After I did this it worked fine, yay I can play the game. But, I turn off the comp and go to bed after a long day, wake up, blah blah, I get back in game and it starts crashing again, 3D sound is still off and it's still in compatibility mode. How do I fix this?!!?

Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:46 pm

Ok, just went in game, i first checked properties and it's on windows 2k and then I checked sound after loading and 3D sound is off.

Apparently this isn't random for me, on mission 8, right after enriqez says "That's all the torqs accounted for" it crashes. Before I got to mission 8, it was on mission 2 (I think) right after the yamato jumps in.

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