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Your perfect hybrid...

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Post Thu May 08, 2003 12:33 am

Your perfect hybrid...

All the craft have their strengths and weaknesses.

But if you could design it what would you build as your perfect hybrid fighter?

Me? Well first and foremost, it would have to be multi-role. Fighter bomber definitely!

Look at that Borderworlds ship from Wing Commander IV, the Price of Freedom. That was a medium fighter (can't remember it's name), but it could carry 2 torpedoes!

Or the bug Manta from Prophecy, It had enough fire power to wear down capital ships and eat 'em (but, that's alien tech for you...)

IMHO, you don't see enough of the multirole craft in these games.

Next , I think I'd make mine a strike fighter out of preference. Same hitting power as the Wolverine of course except for the proton blasters but, because it's obviously a heavy fighter, make it blindfire capable on meson blasters to make up for lack of maneuvrability, and make faster fighters think twice about taking it on. Also, the rear turret will DEFINITELY WORK with meson blasters as well so at least they'll get stung when trying to draw a bead on me.

Loadout? Pods of course! Whatever takes your fancy. Plus an extra fuel tank and the two torpedoes to top it all off!

There ya go! A multirole fighter bomber in the true sense. Takes a licking and just keeps on ticking. Actually I think I just designed a gunship...

What? It's unbalanced?! Bugger that! I'm sure the coalies will think up something to counter it...


Post Thu May 08, 2003 9:58 am

Hard to add anything - maybe only a cloaking device, spectral shields, and ECM. Just for the sake of safety. I guess it really would be more of a gunship than a fighter

I don't have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem.
(stolen from a local pub)

Post Thu May 08, 2003 10:20 am

The Borderworld ship you are referring to is the Avenger

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