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Useful Ship Names / Types recognised and spoken by FL voices

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Post Mon Oct 15, 2007 8:25 am

Useful Ship Names / Types recognised and spoken by FL voices

Here's a tip on the names/types of non-aligned ship that the FL voices already recognise and "speak" (i.e. correctly name), to save you some work and keep a little authenticity:-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Libhf</font></pre>
As well as specific "House" ships, such as this one which is "Liberty Heavy Fighter", and "Kusari Freighter" etc, this can be any of the following too:-
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>gcs_refer_shiparch_atransport - "Armored Transport"
gcs_refer_shiparch_borf - "Borderworlds Freighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_borhf - "Borderworlds Heavy Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_borlf - "Borderworlds Light Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_ctransport - "Cargo Transport"
gcs_refer_shiparch_hfighter - "Heavy Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_hlifter - "Heavy Lifter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_htransport - "Heavy Transport"
gcs_refer_shiparch_lfighter - "Light Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_luxliner - "Luxury Liner"
gcs_refer_shiparch_mining - "Mining Vessel"
gcs_refer_shiparch_ordhf - "Order Heavy Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_pirf - "Pirate Freighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_pirhf - "Pirate Heavy Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_pirlf - "Pirate Light Fighter"
gcs_refer_shiparch_pliner - "Prison Liner"
gcs_refer_shiparch_repair - "Repair Ship"
gcs_refer_shiparch_starblazer - "Starblazer"
gcs_refer_shiparch_starflier - "Starflier"
gcs_refer_shiparch_startracker - "Startracker"
gcs_refer_shiparch_stransport - "Super Transport"
gcs_refer_shiparch_support - "Support Craft"</font></pre>
So to minimise voice changes you can use:-
"Borderworlds Light Fighter",
"Borderworlds Heavy Fighter",
"Borderworlds Freighter",
"Heavy Fighter",
"Light Fighter",
"Cargo Transport",
"Heavy Transport",
"Super Transport", and
"Support Craft".

If you do want to go the whole hog and compile your own recordings for your new ships, then remember you need to add each phrase to every voice that will try to find and speak that phrase!!

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

Post Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:31 am

That's a great list StarTrader, I think it will be good if we started listing not just ships here but also others like voice references that link to factions, commodities, base names, system names, bases that sort of thing

I don't really know where those ships voices are spoken but I am absolutely sure that when I think back, it is spoken by bases and station operators that usually ask where the group of fighters, ships, escorts are going saying this like 'This is Battleship Missouri to Liberty <span style="text-decoration: underline">Heavy fighter </span>patrol' I am very sure and certain these are the occurences of the voice file being played because I have heard so much now but I didn't really consciously listen to what the bases were communicating out to passing ships. I am sure though, correct me if I am wrong

Edited by - futuristic m1 on 10/16/2007 7:35:03 AM

Post Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:39 pm

Yes that's exactly what it is, it's the way bases challenge an approaching ship, so setting one of these as the msg_id_prefix for your new unrecognised ship will result in an acceptable verbal challenge, like "Hey you , you super-transport you, where the hell ya think youz goin, huh?!!"

Roleplay: - the art of self-deceipt!

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