Sun May 08, 2005 11:24 am by FriendlyFire
Flak Gun
First of all, go in EQUIPMENT\weapons_equip.ini and paste this :
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = Flak01_explosion ;That’s the name of the explosion.
effect = Flak01_impact ;This references to the Special Effect we’ll define later.
lifetime = 0.000000, 0.000000 ;This I think defines the lifetime of the projectile’s archetype once it hits the target.
process = disappear ;This tells the archetype to disappear when lifetime is expired.
strength = 500 ;This is to tell the global strength of the explosion. I don’t think it affects the game really.
radius = 50 ;Radius of the explosion. Bigger means damage is done wider. I don’t know if it affects the damage if this one is set in Munition though.
impulse = 1000 ;That’s the interesting value. Bigger means the ships will go further away. Experience with this to get what you’d like to see.
nickname = Flak01_ammo ;Name of the Munition
explosion_arch = Flak01_explosion ;That refers to the upper stated Explosion.
hp_type = hp_gun ;Gun means it is considered as a gun. hp_torpedo is the other possibility.
requires_ammo = false ;Does not require ammo to be bought.
hit_pts = 2 ;HitPoints of the munition. If someone manages to destroy ammo, tell me!
one_shot_sound = fire_Flak01 ;Sound of the gun when shot. Can be whatever you want, even custom.
detonation_dist = 25 ;How far can the munition detonate from its target. This means the shot does not have to touch the target, only pass by it.
lifetime = 2 ;How many seconds will the projectile last.
force_gun_ori = false ;Does not lock the weapon to forward fire only.
const_effect = flak_proj ;That’s the Special Effect of the projectile, as it will appear while flying. We define it later.
ids_name = 265151 ;Name
ids_info = 266151 ;Information Card
mass = 1 ;Mass of the munition
volume = 0.000000 ;Its volume
weapon_type = W_Flak ;Weapon type. Can be an existing one or, like me, a custom one. Defines how does the weapon damages each type of shield.
hull_damage = 900 ;Hull damage caused by each shot.
energy_damage = 350 ;Shield damage caused by each shot. It is the number written + half of the Hull damage.
nickname = Flak01_turret ;Nickname of the turret itself.
ids_name = 458912 ;Name
ids_info = 458912 ;Information Card
DA_archetype = equipment\models\turret\utility_turret03.cmp ;Archetype of the gun. This one I think looks really like Flak.
material_library = equipment\models\ge_turret.mat ;Material of the turret. Goes with the Archetype.
HP_child = HPConnect ;Default HardPoint for the Child.
hit_pts = 6752 ;Hit Points of the Gun itself. Bigger means harder to destroy/disable.
explosion_resistance = 1.000000 ;I have no idea…
debris_type = debris_turret_large ;Debris thrown when the gun is destroyed.
parent_impulse = 20 ;I think it does not do anything.
child_impulse = 80 ;Nor this.
volume = 0.000000 ;Volume…
mass = 10 ;Mass…
hp_gun_type = hp_turret_special_10 ;Gun type, hp_turret, hp_gun, hp_torpedo ranging from 1 to 10 (Torpedo is 1 or 2)
damage_per_fire = 0 ;? I think it’s the damage done to the possessor of the gun…
power_usage = 300 ;Power used per shot.
refire_delay = 0.4 ;How long is the time lap between 2 shots.
muzzle_velocity = 800 ;How many meters the shot covers per second. Multiplied with the lifetime in Munition, it gives the range.
toughness = 24.500000 ;???
projectile_archetype = Flak01_ammo ;Refers to the upper stated Munititon.
dry_fire_sound = fire_Flak01 ;Sound of the gun firing a shot.
separation_explosion = sever_debris ;Explosion of the gun itself when destroyed.
auto_turret = true ;NPCs use the turret automatically.
turn_rate = 120 ;How many degrees the turret can turn in a second.
lootable = false ;Cannot be looted.
Once this is done, get into FX\effects.ini, and paste this :
<pre><font size=1 face=Courier>
nickname = Flak01_impact ;Nickname of the blast effect
effect_type = EFT_EXPLOSION_MISSILE ;Defines it is a missile explosion (It’s the nearest to what we have here)
snd_effect = exp_Flak01 ;Sound effect, if wished.
vis_effect = li_mine01_blast25 ;Explosion effect. I suggest you to look into mines for fx, they look good, especially the smokey ones.
nickname = flak_proj ;Nickname of the projectile effect
effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_PROJ ;Defines it is a projectile effect
vis_effect = ku_gunboat_maingun ;Refers to the Kusarian Gunboat Main Gun for the FX, I think it looks perfect for flaks.
vis_generic = ku_gunboat_maingun ;Same…
And now have fun, put it in a loadout and try it! My best suggestion of use is to replace the Flak Guns of Battleships by these, and to up the impulse a little. Hehe