ohh - nice question. The file you are looking for is called the looprops.ini file in the missions folder in the data folder.
Here is an example of what is in there....
nickname = commodity_boron
drop_properties = 100, 0, 3333, 1, 150, 150
nickname = commodity_silver
drop_properties = 100, 0, 5185, 1, 150, 150
nickname = commodity_gold
drop_properties = 100, 0, 7870, 1, 150, 150
PLease note that these commodities are descending in VALUE here, but also note that most numbers are identical. This is cause they are commodities. Note that one set of numbers does change though, the middle one (well, okay, the middle left one). Note the higher the number, the more valuable. Of course - you will know this as "HIgher number = less likely to drop"
Now - below are weapons.........
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark01
drop_properties = 8, 8000, 8000, 0, 2, 1
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark02
drop_properties = 8, 25396, 25396, 0, 2, 1
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark03
drop_properties = 8, 105206, 105206, 0, 2, 1
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark04
drop_properties = 8, 211397, 211397, 0, 2, 1
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark05
drop_properties = 8, 378331, 378331, 0, 2, 1
nickname = gd_bh_gun01_mark06
drop_properties = 8, 646965, 646965, 0, 2, 1
Note again that a set of double numbers change each time now? They also get bigger - same idea here.............as the mark06 gun is a class nine, wherease the peashooter class 1 gun is the mark01 item. This is to do with rank drop. If you made them all the same low level one, if you could destroy a bounty hunter hammerhead carrying the high level guns when only level 5, you would still pick up some guns.
Now - this is ONLY corresponding to stuff they are carrying on them in cargo or equipped. So, for non-equipped stuff - they do this:
nickname = ge_s_repair_01
toughness_range = 19, 100
percent_chance = 12
num_to_drop = 6, 10
nickname = ge_s_battery_01
toughness_range = 0, 1
percent_chance = 36
num_to_drop = 1, 1
nickname = ge_s_battery_01
toughness_range = 2, 2
percent_chance = 43
num_to_drop = 1, 1
nickname = ge_s_battery_01
toughness_range = 3, 3
percent_chance = 38
num_to_drop = 1, 1
note here you have the nickname (its also commodites too - check further down file), the toughness range - could be just one level (rank 1 npc, or rank 19) or it could be for the whole range (but then you cannot vary the odds).
The percentage chance is the chance in percent of this item being dropped by the NPC at said level. Num to drop is how many get dispatched when the npc is......erm.......dispatched!!
Hope that helps
Have fun
Edited by - Chips on 1/20/2004 4:25:14 PM