INI File Contents
This is for posting the meanings of ALL variables in ALL INI files. Many INIs share similar things. These are posted here. After the universal, they are listed by folder and type (ie DATA\AUDIO then [TYPE}) Some special files are actually listed. Now with XML comments, so that it's easier to use with FLMM. Remember to add closing square brackets back in! Have replaced them with } brackets. Just do a replace all in any good text editor. (I reccomend ConTEXT)
Data types:
string This is a string, a sequence of characters. Letters and numbers. Often a path to a file.
int This is an integer. Any + or - number, up to 32768 or down to -32768
double This is twice as large as an integer. +-65536
float A number with a decimal place. EG. 3.14159
BOOL Boolean value. "true" or "false" are alllowed, nothing else.
nickname = string; This is the nickname. What it is called by the game.
type = string; This is the type of thing it is.
file = string; This defines the path for a file needed for the item.
ids_name = double; This is the ids name location. fled-ids can look it up. new ones can be used, ie 330001 and above.
ids_info = double; This is the ids info location. fled-ids can look it up. New ones can be used, ie 331001 and above. By convention it is 1000 more than the corresponding ids_name.
color = int, int, int; The color. Red, Green, Blue. Must be from 0 to 255
hit_pts = int; How many hit points the item has. how much damage can it take before destruction?
<!-- DATA\AUDIO -->
attenuation = int;<!-- This is the attenuation (like the rate at which the volume decreases with distance) -->
range = int, int, int;<!-- How far away the sound can be heard. Should be x,y,z I think, but does having only one set it for all? will need to test. -->
crv_pitch = int;<!-- UNSURE. something to do with the pitch. -->
is_2d = BOOL;<!-- Is it surround sound or not? I think it defaults to false. -->
pitch_bendable = BOOL;<!-- Can it's pitch change. Like for doppler effect in flybys. -->
streamer = BOOL;<!-- UNSURE. Is the music streamed. Probably meaning is it preloaded into memory or not. -->
msg = string;<!-- What message plays the sound. -->
duration = float;<!-- How long the sound plays for, in seconds -->
Priority = int;<!-- Priority for playing the sound. -->
script = string;<!-- What script to use for the voice. -->
Voice = string;<!-- Who's voice is it? -->
gender = string;<!-- Can be male or female. Is a male or female speaking? -->
supports_roles = string;<!-- what roles can this character play -->
<!-- DATA\AUDIO\soundcfg.ini -->
ear_doppler_factor = float;<!-- How much doppler effect you hear -->
ducking_rtc_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_rtc_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
default_loop_style = string;<!-- How the sound loops -->
default_crv_pitch = int;<!-- UNSURE what crv is. Default pitch. -->
default_crv_attenuation = int;<!-- UNSURE what crv is. Default attenuation. -->
default_reverb = string;<!-- Default type of reverberation. -->
music_fade_time = float;<!-- How long music fades in and out for when it ends or begins. -->
cross_fade_silence = bool;<!-- how much silence there is when crossfading 2 sounds -->
cockpit_attenuation = int;<!-- How much attenuation there is for cockpit sounds. -->
ducking_spaceflight_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_spaceflight_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_spaceflight_up_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
spaceflight_dialogue_pan_range = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_down_by = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_down_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
ducking_comm_up_time = float;<!-- UNSURE -->
master_music = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Music volume? -->
master_ambient = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Ambient sound volume? -->
master_interface = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. User Interface volume? -->
master_sfx = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Sound effects volume? -->
master_voice = int;<!-- UNSURE if int. possibly float. Voice volume? -->
settings = 0, 0, 0;<!-- Sets how much reverberation there is. Unsure on specifics. -->
<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\costumes.ini -->
head = string;<!-- What head to use -->
body = string;<!-- What body to use -->
righthand = string;<!-- What right hand to use -->
lefthand = string;<!-- What left hand to use -->
<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\newcharacter.ini -->
body = string;<!-- Body for your new character -->
comm = string;<!-- Comm set to use -->
voice = string;<!-- Voice to use -->
body.anim = string;<!-- Animation for the body -->
thumb = string;<!-- 3db file for the thumb -->
comm.anim = string;<!-- Comms animation to use -->
strid_name = 11051;<!-- Ship to use? -->
strid_desc = 11551;<!-- Description of ship? -->
ship = string;<!-- Nickname of ship to use -->
loadout = string;<!-- Default ship loadout. -->
money = int;<!-- Starting money -->
rep_group = string;<!-- what group the player's reputation is associated wth -->
base = string;<!-- Where you start out -->
Package = string;<!-- What starting package to use -->
Pilot = string;<!-- What pilot to use. -->
<!-- DATA\CHARACTERS\bodyparts.ini -->
anim = string;<!-- Animation to use. List of these -->
switch = 100, 10.000000;<!-- UNSURE -->
anim = characters\animations\BodyGenericMale.anm;<!-- UNSURE -->
sex = string;<!-- Male or female. -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the body -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the head -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the left hand -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the right hand -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the accessory -->
hardpoint = string;<!-- where to attatch the accessory -->
body_hardpoint = string;<!-- where on the body to attatch the accessory. -->
;<!-- *****All ini files are in the subfolders. -->
[Cockpit};<!-- UNSURE Is this chase mode??? -->
mesh = string;<!-- Mesh to use for the cockpit -->
int_brightness = float;<!-- Interior brightness -->
head_turn = int, int;<!-- The amount you can look around? -->
[CockpitCamera};<!-- UNSURE Is this cockpit view? -->
[TurretCamera};<!-- This is turret mode. -->
tether = float, float, float, int;<!-- UNSURE but it seems to be X, Y, Z, Distance, system. From the ship. -->
yaw_rotate_speed = float;<!-- How fast you can change the yaw (XY planar orientation) -->
pitch_rotate_speed = float;<!-- How fast you can change the pitc (XZ planar orientation) -->
accel_speed = int;<!-- Possibly float. How fast you can accelerate -->
Edited by - PeregrineBF on 29-11-2003 08:17:05