** Tutorial ** Adding a Warp Drive
After making the changes, to Warp just press the Z key (kill engines)
Press it again to slow down to normal speed (or any key that starts your engines)
This works because FL kills the first engine and changes the physics of your ship, not sure if it is the drag or mass. The second engine (your regular engine will continue to power the ship with the physics change. By giving this warp drive engine enough power for 1kps, it only adds 1 to your normal speed.
OK here are the ini entries for MP:
copy this one already there:
nickname = ge_gf1_engine_01
ids_name = 263671
ids_info = 264671
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
max_force = 48000
linear_drag = 599
power_usage = 0
reverse_fraction = 0.200000
flame_effect = gf_li_smallengine01_fire
trail_effect = gf_li_smallengine01_trail
trail_effect_player = gf_li_smallengine01_playtrail
cruise_charge_time = 5
cruise_power_usage = 20
character_start_sound = engine_ci_fighter_start
character_loop_sound = engine_ci_fighter_loop
character_pitch_range = 10, 65
rumble_sound = rumble_ci_fighter
rumble_atten_range = -5, 0
rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25
engine_kill_sound = engine_ci_fighter_kill
cruise_start_sound = engine_ci_cruise_start
cruise_loop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_loop
cruise_stop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_stop
cruise_disrupt_sound = cruise_disrupt
cruise_backfire_sound = cruise_backfire
indestructible = false
outside_cone_attenuation = -3
inside_sound_cone = 60
outside_sound_cone = 180
Paste it back in to same ini file and change it to:
changing nickname and max_force from 48000 to 600
nickname = my_warp_engine_01
ids_name = 263671
ids_info = 264671
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
max_force = 600
linear_drag = 599
power_usage = 0
reverse_fraction = 0.200000
flame_effect = gf_li_smallengine01_fire
trail_effect = gf_li_smallengine01_trail
trail_effect_player = gf_li_smallengine01_playtrail
cruise_charge_time = 5
cruise_power_usage = 20
character_start_sound = engine_ci_fighter_start
character_loop_sound = engine_ci_fighter_loop
character_pitch_range = 10, 65
rumble_sound = rumble_ci_fighter
rumble_atten_range = -5, 0
rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25
engine_kill_sound = engine_ci_fighter_kill
cruise_start_sound = engine_ci_cruise_start
cruise_loop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_loop
cruise_stop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_stop
cruise_disrupt_sound = cruise_disrupt
cruise_backfire_sound = cruise_backfire
indestructible = false
outside_cone_attenuation = -3
inside_sound_cone = 60
outside_sound_cone = 180
Now go to data/ship/loadouts.ini and change this(this is the starting ship):
added equip = my_warp_engine_01
nickname = MP_ge_fighter
archetype = ge_fighter
equip = my_warp_engine_01
equip = ge_gf1_engine_01
equip = shield01_mark01_lf, HpShield01
equip = ge_fighter_power01
equip = ge_s_scanner_01
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon02
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallOrange, HpRunningLight05
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 3
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 3
That will give your starting ship warp drive. Make sure the warp drive is the first engine.
To give the other ships that you buy warp drive do this to the packages in the data/equipment/goods.ini (this one adds it to the liberty defender)
See the first addon that was added to the package
nickname = le_package
category = ship
hull = le_hull
addon = my_warp_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_le_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = li_elite_power01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = shield01_mark02_hf, HpShield01, 1
addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02, 1
Hope this helps everyone get around better.
Edited by - Cronas on 28-06-2003 14:42:13