Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:51 am by Alienspawn3D
Go to your freelancer data folder and open the ships folder then with BINIQDU open loadouts.ini. The first section is your starting ship. Replace it with this just cut and paste.
nickname = msn_playerloadout
archetype = bw_elite2
equip = ge_bwe_engine_01
equip = npc_shield01_mark09, HpShield01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = armor_scale_2
equip = fc_ou_gun01_mark05, HpWeapon01
equip = fc_ou_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon02
equip = fc_ou_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon03
equip = fc_ou_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon04
equip = fc_ou_gun01_mark04, HpWeapon05
equip = missile01_mark03, HpWeapon06
cargo = missile01_mark03_ammo, 20
equip = fc_ou_turret01_mark02, HpTurret01
equip = cruise_disruptor01_mark02, HpTorpedo01
cargo = cruise_disruptor01_mark02_ammo, 5
equip = mine01_mark04, HpMine01
cargo = mine01_mark04_ammo, 20
equip = ge_s_cm_01, HpCM01
cargo = ge_s_cm_01_ammo, 20
equip = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight01
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight02
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight03
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight04
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight05
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight06
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight07
equip = SlowSmallWhite, HpRunningLight08
equip = contrail01, HpContrail01
equip = contrail01, HpContrail02
equip = contrail01, HpContrail03
equip = contrail01, HpContrail04
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01
equip = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02
cargo = ge_s_battery_01, 10
cargo = ge_s_repair_01, 10
As for your starting money, open the missions folder and look in the folder called MO1A open the mo1a.ini with BINIQDU and change the reward to what ever you need ;
mission_title = 1
mission_offer = 1
reward = 1000000 -------change this line-----
npc_ship_file = missions\m01a\npcships.ini
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream !!