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New video tutorial: UVW Unwrapping

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 6:57 am

New video tutorial: UVW Unwrapping

Hey all,

Made a new video tutorial for you all. UVW Unwrapping. Alot of people are wishing to know how to do that. So here it is, visit Bruk Marat Center to downlaod it.

NOTE: The site isnt fast, and the server might be busy sometimes, so please re-visit if its too busy, thanks.

Post Thu Jun 12, 2003 9:57 am

thanks for a great tutorial (and this isnt ment to be an insult/critisism. one of the funniest ).

i just wanted to see how other people did it. turns out exactly the same way (and i mean exactly the same, watch it you and that comment will make sence LOL).

American Scientists spent millions developing the perfect writing utensil; It writes in Zero-gravity, upside down, under water, in space... The Russians used a Pencil.

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