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**TUTORIAL** Editing Infocards

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:26 pm

**TUTORIAL** Editing Infocards

Everyone is always asking. So, I went ahead and made a tutorial...It's not to complex, but it should do the job...
1. You need to download an .ini decompresser {maybe BiniQDU}.
2. You need to download FLEdids.
3. Open up the weapon_equip.ini with BiniQDU.
4. Find the weapon of your choice.
5. Look under the [munition tab.
6. Look at the ids_name = ------
7. Now copy the six numbers into FLEdids under the ids_name.
8. Press the get ids name button.
9. Just change it to w/e you want it to be.
10. Now comes the hardest part.
11. Repeat steps 1-6 with the line that says ids_info = ------
12. Copy the numbers this time into the second box in FLEdids.
13. When you get the info you'll get what looks like a whole bunch of mumbojumbo.
15. Edit the words to something you'd like them to say.
16. The words at the top determine what the name will be listed as inside the infocard. Just change them to w/e you put for the name.
17. The words at the bottom determine what the info on the gun will be, change it to w/e...Maybe a story on how the gun was made or w/e...
18. Thats it for weapon infocards
19. I'll do ships next {ships are harder }

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:22 am

O.k. Either something is wrong with my Fled-IDS, or I've missed some salient bit of info with regard to how to use Fled-IDS. When I clicked on the get ids_name button, I got nothing but this error message:

Error: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\exe\freelancer.ini not found.

I'm starting to wish that someone would develop an "all-in-one" type editor ( like the ones some of the better software developers release WITH their games) so that people could edit/create ships, weapons, etc. without having to resort to using 5 or 6 miscellaneous editors, most of which seem to be buggy beta versions anyway. Sorry about the rant, but I'm near the end of my rope.


Edited by - LAZARUS187 on 10-06-2003 04:46:51

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:28 pm

make sure the pathname is correct and that you are plugging the correct number into the correct box

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:43 pm

The correct pathname should be: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA, right?

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 6:48 pm

it should be c:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer\data

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 8:26 pm

I have a dual-harddrive system, so Freelancer is installed on my D: drive. My pathname is correct, and I'm entering the correct numbers into the correct field. Any other possibilities?

Post Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:09 pm

Just try reinstalling it to the "C" Drive...thats the only think i can think of

Post Wed Jun 11, 2003 4:22 pm

should the path not be x:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer where x is the drive (i.e. the path to the freelancer folder)

Post Thu Jun 12, 2003 5:49 am

"1. You need to download an .ini decompresser {maybe BiniQDU}.
2. You need to download FLEdids."

Does anyone know where i can download those programs?

Edited by - orbb on 12-06-2003 06:50:13

Post Thu Jun 12, 2003 2:12 pm

I'll try to find the link and post it here...

Post Thu Jun 12, 2003 3:02 pm

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:34 am

Hey guys,

Anyway i have been editing infocards so that i can make a new race (Independent Armed Forces) anyway i have done all that yet when i lauch a game and connect to the server that has my mod installed, i take off and the server dies. This only happens when i have the freelancer.ini and infocards.dll in my mod folder. Anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

The Fight, The Fall. Will You Survive

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 11:11 am

Can you jump over ships and write something about adding new resource DLLs? I am making a new starsystem.

Für Rheinland!

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 9:08 pm

Caid wrote: "Can you jump over ships and write something about adding new resource DLLs? I am making a new starsystem. "

I assume you know how to use BiniQDU and FLMM. Furthermore, you need the FLEd-ids program.

1. Copy nameresources.dll to your mod; it should be in the EXE folder. Rename the file into add_resources.dll (or into any other filename that is not yet used by the game)

2. Use Resource Hacker (freeware, do a Google search to find a download site) to alter the entries. When you open your resource file in Resource Hacker, you'll see a kind of folder structure; the leaves are the entries used in the game. NB - These are the ids_name values; I'll get to the Ids_info values later. Your first entrie is 458753, your second entrie is 458754, your third 458755 etc.

3. Now, when you activate your mod with FLMM, FLMM should automatically add a line into freelancer.ini, in which it initializes your custom dll file. When it appears that FLMM for some reeason doesn't do this, you should add the freelancer.ini file to your mod (at the appropraite folder: EXE ) and add to the bottom of the section [Resources\ the following line:

DLL = add_recources.dll ; Contains additional resources

4. To add / alter ids_info values (the "infocards", activate your mod with FLMM,; open the folder ..\Freelancer\EXE , right-click your custom dll file add_resources.dll and make sure that, in the Attributes section, the Read Only option is off

Now, open FLEd-ids, and you can add ids_info values to 458753 and up. (These are the same nubers as the ids_name values, but they are a different type of resources; FL does not mess them up). See Parabolix instructions how to.

Now, the resource file you are actually adding your entries to, is not your custom resource file, but a copy of it! So, before your deactivate your mod, you should copy it to your mod folder, or to a separate folder, because otherwise this file will simply dissappear into the recycle bin. Update the dll file in your mod's EXE folder, with the one you just editted.

Btw, first look around for a while using FLEd-ids to see how the infocards look like. Make sure you use the xml tages right.

Parabolix, thanks for keeping promoting FLEd-ids as an editor! I just assumed it didn't work properly on my pc, but suddenly I thought of this "read only" otion, which indeed appeared to be the cause of why FLEd-ids didn't work. This is indeed a much faster way than adding separate xml files for each entrie.

Post Sun Jun 29, 2003 7:30 pm

you can check out my new tutorial on ship infocards here

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