Post Fri May 30, 2003 4:32 pm

Importing Ships

I know there is a tutorial on this but the link has been down for a couple of days (at liest it dosn't work for me). I also searched the forums and all related threads refered to the tutorial.

I recently downloaded the rebalance mod and one of the ships I want isnt there... The infocard is there but the ship itself (whitestar) is invisable and if I buy it and leave the dealers place the game crashes. I downladed the whitestar and tried to insert it manualy but I'm not sure exactly how or even if it's the same whitestar that comes with the mod... I have a .mat and a .cmp file (am I missing one?) and placed them in the data/ships folder with no luck. Im not sure if I am putting it in the right place. The ship is located on planet LA. Please help!!! Thanks.

If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that my idea for melting down coins to make a giant robotic parrot was a bad idea, I would have one kicka$$ giant robotic parrot.