Post Tue May 27, 2003 2:54 am

volunteers VERY welcome

Anyone wanna help me with my new mod, its not much hard work, but a lot of easy work... just doing work with editing equipment, thinking about adding some ships, though im no good at that so im trying to get helpers....[sry to all of you that have already read this post elevendy billion times...

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?


How many surrealists does it take to fill up 50 bath tubs with milk jugs?


How do you put an elephant in a refrigorator?

You open up the door and put him in.

OK, heres the situation... The king of the jungle, the lion, has called a special meeting and all the animals of the wild are supposed to be there... Which one isn't??

The elephant he's still stuck in the fridge....

"some people say im stupid but thats just cuz there brains smell like bacon"