Post Fri May 23, 2003 8:34 am

*** TUTORIAL *** - Adding your own names for bases/systems e

Gathered from information I have read, how to get your own names onto bases/jumpgates/systems.

First, you might want something like ResHacker for the DLL files. So download that first.


Second, look for the nameresources.dll file in the Freelancer\EXE directory, and open it with ResHacker. Inside you will find listings for many of the games names, next to a number.

Find an empty slot, there are some further down.

Add your name into the empty space. e.g 64005, "New York -> Test System"

Now the tricky part. If you look right at the top, New York (The System) is number one in the string tables. If you take 1 off its ID number you get 196608
(Thats 1 - 196609 = 196608) This is the importaint number to work with. So if you entered your name at 64005, you need to do 64005 + 196608 = 260613 This is your ID number. If you add it to your jumpgate to your new system, it should now say "New York -> Test System. The same can be done for system names/bases/Planets. Compile and save the DLL file, then run Freelancer and the name change should take effect as soon as you assign the ID number to the gate.

That concludes my first FL tutorial, information collected from discussions on these boards. Any comments/flames appreciated so I can improve next time.

P.S REMEMBER: The Importaint Number is 196608