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Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Sat May 17, 2003 12:00 pm


Hi guys. Came accross this web site a couple of weeks ago and have been
searching for a tutorial on how to add your own ships to FL. All I seem to be
able to find a links pointing to site that don't exist anymore. So I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find a step by step guide on how to add models to the game, set up hardpoints (found 2 tuts but can't understand em), what utils/progs I'll need, and so on. COMPLETE TUTORIAL Like it's being written for someone thats just picked up the game and wants to mod it (ME).

btw, no need for modelling tut as I have been modding renegade/generals for a while now. hardpoint guide needed tho and I can get help on using milkshape from their site.

So if anyone can help me out with a guide/linx it would be most appreciated.
** the following link has never worked for me 'http 500 internal error' **
** **

(the info is prolly here but I just can't seem to find it)

Thanks in advance


could be something as simple as adding a square box to the game for all i care)

Edited by - cumdunt on 17-05-2003 13:02:12

Post Sat May 17, 2003 10:04 pm

Tutorial----Converting Homeworld & Freespace Ships into Freelancer
this has some info for ship builders

Edited by - BakedPotato on 17-05-2003 23:08:45

Post Sun May 18, 2003 2:27 am

Hey cumdunt, I remember your name from somehwere else? maybe a game clled Archspace?
Anyway i rmember seeing a tutorial for a borg sphere by TFK-Killermatrix.
I found the article and here is the link:
Do read this one as it has handy hints about other things not just moddeling
Borg Sphere TUTORIAL
I also recommend Zen Eryu's tutorial for adding new ships, Seeing it's down ill put the tutorial up I saved it to my hdd as a GREAT reference while im modding I Reallly hope u don't mind. Is it ok? If it isn't I'll Take it down immediately!
Zen's EXCELLENT adding ships to ini & dll files tut.
to edit the .dll files you will need Res Hacker which can be downloaded here
Resource Hacker .
CAn't wait to see your ship models Good Luck!

P.S. I'm not trying to advertise any SITE i'm just helping a fellow Freelancer

Edited by - Duriel_LOP on 18-05-2003 04:14:13

Post Sun May 18, 2003 8:19 am

Just what the doctor ordered

Thanks u two for helpin me out.

As for 'Archspace' What's that ? Only games/forums I play/visit online are the ones from the c&c line. Maybe u've come accross me there ? Oh well.

again thx guys



Post Mon May 19, 2003 3:12 am

Yes, that would have been it. oh well nice too see you again!

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