Post Thu May 01, 2003 3:15 am

Noobs: the answers you seek are here.

Hello Noobs.

A word of advice, if you do a search for what you believe is the right word you will often get instant results instead of having to wait for a reply. Lots of questions have been answered in detail already and anything a search doesnt turn up will most likely be new and attract a lot of attention when you post your question.

Trouble is, how do noobs know what to search for ?

By reading this thread

To get you started heres a few key words to use in your searches that may not be known to you.

mbases.ini = when looking for info about adding characters to your bases.
universe.ini = when looking for system related answers.
solararch.ini = when looking for info about asteriods, nebulas and spacestations.
shiparch.ini = when looking for custom ship info.
goods.ini = when looking for custom ship info.
market = when you looking for anything can be sold.

Whether you want to know about mat files, cmp files, battleship encounters, making new planets or anything else, one of those will turn up the goods for you if you use them to do a simply search.

Hope this helps.
