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making custom ship skins?

Here you find the different tutorials on editing and MODing Freelancer

Post Thu May 01, 2003 12:27 am

making custom ship skins?

I've been inspired by the eagle skin mods to make custom .mat files, how are they made?

Shigetah shigatah shwa[!

Post Thu May 01, 2003 3:05 am

How you match the texture to the mod is a matter for the modeler your using but adding those textures into a mat file is covered in the tutorial forum in the thread lightwave to freelancer.

You dont need lightwave to read the texture parts.


Post Thu May 01, 2003 8:45 pm

uhhh, is that the exact title? Or is it lightwave 3D to freelancer, that tutorial USES lightwave, but m propably missin somehtin, is there a paint program i could use like PSP7, since that's all i got sides the paint prog that came with windows.

Shigetah shigatah shwa[!

Post Wed May 14, 2003 6:34 am

giskard I think hes talkin about how to find the ship, paint the sides or whatever, then convert them to .mat so they apply to the ship.

====QUESTION FROM ME!!!=====

Is it possible to make it so you can switch between skins by pressing a button or something? Ive seen lots of modding i thot were IMPOSSIBLE and were actually done and finished.

The final decision made by a single boy, the dark spirit of a past prince.

Post Wed May 14, 2003 11:07 am

this may help take a look at this info in the editing /features /
accessed from the Lancers Reactor home page
--- How to make a Texture ---by Darkpetzi ... s.asp?id=4
--- FreeLancer VMesh format ---by Mario 'HCl' Brito ... s.asp?id=8

Post Wed May 14, 2003 8:06 pm

im askin weather or not a precreated skin (say the boarderworld elite fighter skin) can be easily converted into something that can be opened in PSP7(.mat to... something), modified, and then converted back to the .mat file type and is able to replace the origenal boarderworld skin.

From what I've been guessin, .mat files have a sereis of textures that the game takes sections of and applies them to a ship.
Um, that's what i no.

Shigetah shigatah shwa[!

Post Thu May 15, 2003 10:03 am

DJscratchman i'll put this VERY simply :-

you open the .mat file and export the texture you want. although it says they are tga files they are not, they are a format called dds.

you then edit, paint, do what you want to them (for how to do this see Kasdias Texture Guide it was on the front page a short while ago). i do not know if psp7 can do this bit.

put edited texture back in .mat file

use in game


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