Sat Apr 12, 2003 4:01 am by ruby_knight
Yes, that's right. Children, the zones are just for your eyecandy, they can be deceiving... meaning, you can put several zones around your sun, tempting you to reach any of them, then boom!... Well, that's enlightening, thanks!
For the lazist...
These are additional (safe) jumpholes to:
Ku01 = New Tokyo
Ew03 = Omega-41
Hi01 = Omicron Alpha
Hi02 = Omicron Gamma
Bw02 = Omega-5
Bw05 = Sigma-13
Bw08 = Tau-23
Iw03 = Magellan
Iw02 = Hudson
Ku07 = Tohoku (Tekagi's Base)
... backup your files... *wink wink*
1. Insert the followings to any of your source system file
nickname = Rk01_to_Ku01_hole
ids_name = 260714
pos = -76000, 0, 37000
rotate = 0, 90, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ku01
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Ku01, Ku01_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Ku01_hole
pos = -76000, 0, 35000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Ew03_hole
ids_name = 260853
pos = -76000, 0, 33000
archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ew03
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Ew03, Ew03_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Ew03_hole
pos = -76000, 0, 33000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Rk01_to_Hi01_hole
ids_name = 260896
pos = -76000, 0, 31000
rotate = 0, 180, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Hi01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Hi01, Hi01_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Hi01_hole
pos = -76000, 0, 31000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Rk01_to_Hi02_hole
ids_name = 260902
pos = -76000, 0, 29000
rotate = 0, 70, 0
archetype = jumphole
ids_info = 66146
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Hi02
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Hi02, Hi02_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Hi02_hole
pos = -76000, 0, 29000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 65536
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Rk01_to_Bw02_hole
ids_name = 260665
pos = -78000, 0, 33000
rotate = 0, 65, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Bw02
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Bw02, Bw02_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Bw02_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 33000
shape = SPHERE
size = 1000
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Bw05_hole
ids_name = 260721
pos = -78000, 0, 29000
rotate = 0, 20, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Bw05
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
behavior = NOTHING
visit = 0
goto = Bw05, Bw05_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Bw05_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 29000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Bw08_hole
ids_name = 260711
pos = -78000, 0, 31000
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Bw08
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Bw08, Bw08_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Bw08_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 31000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Iw03_hole
ids_name = 260815
pos = -78000, 0, 35000
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Iw03
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
goto = Iw03, Iw03_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Iw03_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 35000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Iw02_hole
ids_name = 260633
pos = -78000, 0, 37000
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = jumphole_orange
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Iw02
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Iw02, Iw02_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Iw02_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 37000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Rk01_to_Ku07_hole
ids_name = 260739
pos = -78000, 0, 39000
rotate = 0, 135, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ku07
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Ku07, Ku07_to_Rk01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Rk01_to_Ku07_hole
pos = -78000, 0, 39000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
2. Then insert every two respective object and zone to appropriate target/destination system file
nickname = Ew03_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260900
pos = 12739, 0, 6042
rotate = 0, 180, 0
archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Ew03_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Ew03_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 12739, 0, 6042
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 65536
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Hi01_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260906
pos = 8000, 0, 17000
rotate = 0, -45, 0
archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ew01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Hi01_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Hi01_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 8000, 0, 17000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Hi02_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260908
pos = 19000, 0, 15000
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = jumphole_orange
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Ew03
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Hi02_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Hi02_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 19000, 0, 15000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Bw02_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260840
pos = -15991, 0, 6815
rotate = 0, -90, 0
archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Bw02_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Bw02_to_Rk01_hole
pos = -15991, 0, 6815
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Bw05_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260860
pos = 19916, 0, 12503
rotate = 0, -150, 0
Archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Bw05_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Bw05_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 19916, 0, 12503
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Bw08_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260880
pos = 15888, 0, -2000
rotate = 0, 110, 0
archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Bw08_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Bw08_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 15888, 0, -2000
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99
nickname = Iw03_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260809
pos = 6366, 0, 1000
rotate = 0, 180, 0
archetype = jumphole_light
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
ids_info = 66146
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Iw03_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Iw03_to_Rk01_hole
pos = 6366, 0, 1000
shape = SPHERE
size = 300
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Iw02_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260801
pos = -16000, 0, 848
rotate = 0, 90, 0
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
archetype = jumphole_orange
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Iw02_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Iw02_to_Rk01_hole
property_flags = 131072
pos = -16000, 0, 848
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
nickname = Ku07_to_Rk01_hole
ids_name = 260743
pos = -48055, -1000, 34284
rotate = 0, -45, 0
Archetype = jumphole
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_system_Rk01
ids_info = 66146
jump_effect = jump_effect_hole
visit = 0
goto = Rk01, Rk01_to_Ku07_hole, gate_tunnel_bretonia
nickname = Zone_Ku07_to_Rk01_hole
pos = -48055, -1000, 34284
shape = SPHERE
size = 500
property_flags = 131072
visit = 128
sort = 99.500000
3. You can conclude that the j-holes need to be taken from 2 interconnected holes (2 neighbouring systems).
4. The formats you need to find is obviously: for Object "xxxx_to_xxxx_hole", and for zone "Zone_xxxx_to_xxxx_hole".
5. Make sure you change the position slightly by 2000 or 3000 difference from original, either in x, y, or z dimensions. If the zone size is 1000 or bigger, reducing the size to 500 or 300 won't crash the game or make you stuck in the straw.
6. I haven't tried the jumpholes in multiplayer. Have fun testing out, and please point out any ideas that can improve the jump-holes function, such as; creating new IDs for new names for each jump-holes.
7. By the way, I haven't tried connecting it to Freeport 7. I'm pretty sure it's an empty system even if you get there. Well, from the fp7_system.ini file description it shows nothing of interest, but perhaps it is interesting. Have fun.