I am still chuckling about the crap-throwing sea birds
Lemme go through these in order:
1. Set hull damage ratio way high so if you hit anything = boom!
Running into things is already lethal for almost everything... that is what you meant, right? Ask everybody who's been playing... crashing into another object with Fighter at any high speed = dead

Low speeds should not result in insta-death, imho- you *can* survive a bit of battering if you're at a very low speed. But if the current impact damage goes much higher, then a simple slip during docking or formation flight would = death, which would get old, fast.
2. Convert all weapons to using ammo, that you have to buy, and does not use any energy.
I tried that, actually.
There's a nasty catch, though. Ammo-using weapons must be Missiles- just setting "uses_ammo = true" doesn't work. And Missiles apparantly will not play their firing sound more than once per click event. Find a way for ammo-using weapons to make their firing sound every time they shoot, and I'll make everything use ammo (don't worry folks, I'll be nice about it, and let you have lots of ammo, and make it as cheap as the engine will allow- I'm competitive, not cruel).
3. Lower the turning ratios and banking to make it more realistic.
You have played it, right? The banking is pretty realistic right now, within the limitations imposed by the Docking AI. Some aircraft turn better than others, of course, but none of the aircraft currently in the game have actual turning behavior (defined as "change of vector and position" ) as good as FL's ships. This will, of course, continue to get fine-tuned as the game-design gets finalized- some aircraft will turn better than they do now, and some worse. But I wanted to see a lot of interesting flight models... and thus far, I've got them pretty close to what I want.
4. Better higher resolution water texture.
Oh, lord. The texture's already 1024/1024... you've gotta understand... the Ocean object is HUGE.
And it has to stay that way. Early on, I experimented with grids of much smaller squares, and put them edge-to-edge, thinking that this would be more efficient, let me implement some neat LOD tricks, etc.
It didn't work. The FL engine doesn't know what to do with mesh edges on two objects that are almost perfectly aligned, and basically you see tris from one "through" tris of another, alternating constantly, even though the objects aren't actually touching. It kind've flashes, and it gave me an instant headache. So it's not a workable solution, unfortunately.
What I really need is a method that will create "wavetops" on the "surface" based on LOD information, that isn't a royal pain to implement... i.e., it'd suck to have make 1000 grid entries to show wavetop entities at appropriate LODs, and if I put all of the "waves" into the Ocean.cmp file, it'd have 100,000 polys, or more... performance would suck. Haven't quite figured out a good way to solve this yet... but will probably settle on the 1000 grid entries, to maximize performance for all systems and take advantage of LOD.
5. Modify the system background file into a sky rather than using an object to do it. Would be nicer on some older pcs.
Uh, if you know about a more efficient way to do this than by using a Background with a low-poly skysphere, I'm all ears... I used the most effiecient method that I'm familiar with... I suppose you're talking about building a skybox, instead of using a sphere? So far as I can tell, every background in the game is an object... and players can always turn the display off, showing a plain blue sky, if performance suffers.
Outcast... have you turned the "sky" on, and if so, did it make a performance difference? You probably have the slowest comp in the group... let me know if it impacts FPS in any noticeable way...
6. Add bird faction with 'ships' in the shape of birds. You could make them shoot birdcrap at passing players
<starts laughing>
7. Add whale faction with 'ships' in the shape of whales. Or dolphins.
8. Make it so if you kill animal factions all other factions hate you forever
<stops laughing>
... it might be cool to do something like the "cow karma" effect from Fallout, but I don't want to overdo it. And that's a lot of modeling time spent on something you don't get to kill, dock with, or otherwise do much with... except not kill. And accidental murder would make life very tough

I might add this sort've thing in as a 1-in-1000 chance Encounter... much later... when the game is feature-complete otherwise. So don't hold your breath... Shamu isn't going to show up soon
9. Add clouds with special black lightsources to simulate shadows.
Clouds are planned. Gonna need to playtest them to see how they hurt FPS on low-end machines, though- I was planning to use Nebulas, although I might just use semi-transparent phantom_physics CMPs instead, so that they can take better advantage of LOD. The light-source idea might work pretty well, although it'd have to be something less than true black, and there are issues with making the angles match up, as well as performance issues to be considered- each Lightsource is pretty intense stuff, as it needs to be factored into the resulting color of every polygon onscreen at render time. It's definately a feature I want in the game, to complete the experience- it's just a matter of "how", not "weather", if you'll forgive a bad pun
10. Set component damage ratio high so weapons are not lost.
I dunno about you... but the only time I've lost a gun is if I nearly died running into somebody... and losing a gun should, imho... be part of doing business.
11. Use the armor hit_pts_scale feature to make some 'ships' stronger than others even without higher hitpoints.
I'm sure that I'll be tweaking AI ships quite a bit for added difficulty as the builds get more refined. Right now, the aircraft are all using identical Loadouts, and have no advantages over players, other than infinite_power. The AI's already pretty tough though, so I suspect I'll keep them where they are.
12. Set your islands to use the warp disruptor buoy sur file and see what happens with all those accidental deaths.
Yeah, then they'd fly right through it... and the Junker CSVs would be able to drive through even more of it. I plan to junk that island and make a new one, in two pieces, with two far more accurate SURs for the next version. That one was just sloppy, hurried workmanship on my part. The next ones will be waaaay better.
13. Remove nanobots and shieldbats altogether. You should have to do repairs when you land.
After a lot thought about this, I have decided to keep nanos in. Why? Because players are supposed to be heroes. And heroes should be tougher to destroy than the villians. So either I'd have to nerf the AI (which I quite enjoy, as opposed to wussy mods where the AI is apparantly drain bamaged), or make player's ships tougher- neither solution appeals, because it'd really screw up the mod's game balance.
Shieldbats are already gone- you can't buy them, and except in a very few cases, you'll never salvage them, and soon you won't be able to, period. They won't be coming back, even when shields come back as "armor ratings" for warships, etc.
14. Make your ocean deeper so there can be submarines.
The problem with that is simple, and unavoidable:
How to get there?
The Death_Zone that is in place right now (to kill the AI and players when they try to go beneath the ocean's surface, and to actively discourage the AI from flying too low) has to stay in the mod. Really. The original Alpha had a "solid" Ocean, but that didn't work, for a huge variety of reasons- reason #1 being that the AI would fly right through it, even though players could collide with it, and reason #2 being that it interfered with spawning behaviors for "ships". After a lot of experimentation, frustration and compromise, I've got the current solution in place. I don't see any workable alternatives at this time, unfortunately.
Soooo... I've got this nasty death_zone between the "surface" and "underwater". Know any good way to get players from Point A to Point B that isn't a jumphole ? Because a jumphole'd work... but then players would be flying aircraft underwater, which would ruin the effect.
I've thought about having a special "taxi" vehicle that had loads of hitpoints (so that it could survive the passage through the Death_Zone) moved very slowly, and was unarmed. But it might get abused by unscrupulous players. Other than that, I don't have a really elegant solution to this problem, sad to say.
Edited by - Argh on 11/21/2004 9:36:14 PM
Edited by - Argh on 11/21/2004 9:39:58 PM