Dear Mace,
thanx for this "hint" - maybe I should next time "talk" to the stations people
before shooting them
Ok, I'll give it a try and watch out for people in Van Maanens Star system
who have to say something (or at least believe that they have to).
Meanwhile I got hostile with almost all pirate factions, I just shot them
randomly and after a while ...
PS: Ok, I got the deal, but- even when the Valerians are friednly (bribed)
to me I can't dock at planet Carinea in Omicron Alpha because this stupid
thing of a dockingring sees me as an enemy even when the planet itself
is green ?! Any idea how to continue your challenge ?
Before I also visited the Old Abandoned Mining Base in Tau-UV.
Btw. I found another bug
Tau-UV - Old Abandoned Mining Base > Discription for Rapier HF is wrong
The discription says that it can have class 10 weapons at max, if you
buy the ship it only shows 2x class 7, 2x class 8, 2x class 9 and 1x class 8 turret.
Reputation problem with the Zoners:
My reputation to all allies of the Zoners and their allies is maxed out (except the
Ducani Explorers, they're neutral) but I'm still completely red to them even when
i never shot a Zoner - any idea how to get them friednly again ?
Edited by - kuvacz on 6/29/2006 4:34:08 PM