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AC2 ClanWars MOD

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Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 8:58 am

Oh, yeah, didn't think about that. still BiniQdu was handy to decompress the .ini files in the AC clanwars mod, and was handy in being able to flip from one to another for a page by page comparison. but thank you.
I guess it's kinda after the fact since as of this typing I fixed it for SP play at least.
I edited both the Li05.ini and the Li01.ini files, restoring the NY insystem jumpholes and restored the NY<>Alaska jumpgates. removed the zone entry(in the LIo1.ini) tied to the NY<>alaska jumpholes leaving the zone entry tied to the jumpgate. so it all works now. play tested too. Oh, yes, the agony of HAVING to play freelancer!
Black assimilation, I would like to send you the fixed .ini files so you could combine them w/ the new milky way .ini file into one bundle for posting on TLR or just for next build release. what's your e-mail?
mine is [email protected]
glad to help.

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:57 pm

@ tlowen-bro,
yeah the story gets old, I keep it interesting by treating Juni like a barbi doll, I change her body/clothes every time seeing which one makes her ass look the best.

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.


Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:42 pm

thank you Shawn for your kind message. for the life of me i cannot find the ini file editor in the editors section of the downloads. i tried to use search and it gave me the bini file. i don't know how to use this file!(newbee).i tried to open the Ac2Clanwars v2.2 files but i don't know how. i have the SDv3.1 but what do i do with it to open the CW v2.2? i would appreciate it if you could take me through the steps. thank you for your prompt replies.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Edited by - yil on 3/5/2004 7:57:39 PM

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 10:01 pm

@YIL: sorry, I too couldn't find it. it seems it's no longer offered. However, there is a BETTER .ini reader/editor which opens up each file in its own window so you can put them side by side to compare and has better find functions.
it's the 'tinyfish freelancer .ini editor' I downloaded the 1.4.3 build as it is complete and not a beta. dang, I wish I would have tried that 2 days ago.

at the top of the tinyfish editor, click 'file', click 'open'. then brows (make backups) for the Li01 file in both the mod and the game (2 windows on your desktop. follow the steps I listed earlier. then find the entry for a jumpGATE for Li01>Li05, copy from the game file and paste to the mod file, delete the [zone entry for the jumphole zone and adding (if necessary) the zone for the jumpgate from the game Li01 to the mod Li01. then open the Li05 files from both mod and game, then copy/paste the jumpgate entry from game .ini file to the mod Li05.ini file.
as a last resort, I'm gonna forward the fixed .ini files to TLR to test and post.
or e-mail me for them, then it would be a simple replacement of the files in the mod.

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.


Post Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:40 pm

thank you Shawn for your prompt reply. i have downloaded both v1.4.3and v1.4.4 of the "tinyfish freelancer .ini editor". following your instructions, i have opened the microsoft-freelancer-Li01 file and was able to save anoter copy as backup.i could not open the Ac2 Clanwarsv2.2mod with the editor ( i have the v2.31 but i cannnot even unzip it. it gives me the error message i mentioned in my earlier message.)Ac Clanwarsv2.2 is in the MODS subfolder in "my/documents/my games/freelancer/MODS". the editor just won't open the mod. so i guess i'll have to bother you again and ask you to forward to my e mail ([email protected]) the fixed .ini files and please inform me what to do with them. i hope it's not too much trouble. thank you again for your prompt replies and time.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Post Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:17 am

Yil, K, sending the files off. just wondering. you did restore backups in flmm sothe mod was not being used? right? I had no problem opening ACclan from the mods folder. just wondering. also the fixed gameis being offered at....
still sending the fixed .ini files.

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Post Sun Mar 07, 2004 2:31 pm

Hello can some one help me with Ac2Clanwars2.31. mod please.I have activated in flmm ok but when i try to run FL to play it says common dll or something like that is missing and fails to start it.if i run FL from the desctop
it seams to work fine ,but the mod does not seem to work nor does datastorm
when it is run from a fresh install, only finding the normal systems ect ect


Post Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:08 pm

Shawn thank you again for being so prompt. i have not yet received the downloads in my e-mail; but i'm certain they'll be there. oh! while i was waiting for the fixes to Ac2Cv2.2, i started playing the "WTS-World Mod v1.2. guess what? it has a jinks at the minbar system from s-13. it crashes when i want to go from the "uluru station" to another location!!!??? i'm wondering,altough i go through the correct motions of starting a new mod, like you mentioned in your message, am i missing someting there??. thank you so much for your time and prompt replies.

patience is a VIRTUE bestowed on humans only USE IT.

Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:42 am

New board is here:

AC2 ClanWars Support Forum


- The home of Freelancer: Rebirth, the prequel to Freelancer!

Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 8:51 pm


Post Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:33 am

Well If you wait untill TLR have Uploaded The Real 2.33 or if you cant Wait Get from

Post Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:43 am

@shawn B

Hi their mate i tHink The Problem with The missions in SP is That i Removed 2 Jump gates/holes in New york Both of which were need ed For mssions 11 and 13 i have Restored Newyork Back to it Original Self No new jump gate in new york I persnal Do not have a charecter anywere near mission 11 infact ihave no sp saved games so with out Playing the entir Game up to mission 11 which true would only take me 5 mins with my guns :-) but ime sure it sp miode should now work fingures Crossed

ps anyone Tell me how to Make a jump Hole Only For admins Too Use

Post Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:37 pm

@yil: it's been quite a while since I've run WTS 1.2, I can't say I had that problem. you might need to restore backups, slap SDK1.3 on top of the game again (to fix possible missing files) then do a clean download of wts (deleting it from mods and whatever mod storage you have). that's the best I can do right now. perhaps posting your query on the wts forum might garner you quicker/better answers. good luck. not to brush you off, but like I said, it's been awhile.

@black assimilation. will give it a go. have saved games that are about dead on for those points. I sent the corrected files to TLR. did they forward them to you? I would have sent direct but couldn't find your e-mail posted.
if there is no jumpGATE in the ny system > alaska. it'll crash again. will try.

If I'm not here accepting the things I cannot change, I'm off somewhere ranting and raving about not being God.

Post Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:08 am

@ shawn B

No Tlr Never Posted Me the Files You Fixed However My email Is my name With @hotmail

Anyway Mate I really Hope i Fixed the Problems Anyway Cheer Mate See yall all later

Post Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:04 am

i have downloaden 2.33 and EVERY single time I try it, it crashes when I try to launch and meet King for the first time. I've tried deleting all previous save games and I've unistalled then re-installed FL twice. Neither thing worked though for me. I'm using Freelancermodmanagerbeta10!

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