Post Sun Jun 08, 2003 4:37 am

The New Order Mod - In need of a texturer

Anyone Out there a Texturer looking to join a mod team? - We need you!! me and my mod team are in the process of creating a large undisclosed number of new ships for "The New Order Mod" including Battleships, Cruisers, Gun Boats, Very Heavy Fighters, Freighters, Heavy Fighters, Light Fighters, Torp Bombers and a few others and we are in dire need of a skilled Skinner / Texturer to create some skins and apply them to the models, we already have one person dedicated to this but with the sheer number of planned ship we really need to take on an extra member who well work exclusivly in that field, more details of the mod will be avalible on our website which has a predicted launch date within the next two weeks. So anyone out there, we need you. if your interested please email me [email protected] and if possible inclue a sceenshot of a texture you have made as we need a guide 2 judge your abilites by, but i doubt anyone will bw turned down.

Dan - Lead Developer
The New Order Mod
From Osiris' Elite Guard