Post Sat Jun 07, 2003 1:30 pm

Episode M-4 - A New Mod

Well, I have a few ideas for a mod, and wish to make a new one all of my own. The Reynen, Hostile Universe and FL Rebalance mods are all great, but I have a few ideas that would operate completely different. As such, it is currently Pre-alpha (that is all in my head), but will be coming out soon. As a side-project I am thinking of making a utility to make modding easy. Some of the feature I am thinking of:
- MP Neutrality at the start (except for maybe the Xenos)
- All ships are comparable. No more weak ships at the start.
- Trade paths; That is commodities need to be bought and sold at specific places (eg metals are bought from a refinery and sold at a manufacturing plant; ship hull panels bought from the manufacturing plant and sold at a shipyard).
- Ships, weapons and components can be bought and sold as commodities.

I have other ideas, but would like a few secrets for people to discover.

One thing I would like is permission to use custom ships that people have made and would like to make available to me. I would also like permission to make changes to hardpoints in order to fit into the mod (I don't think there will need to be too many changes). Also, if anyone can help with texturing I have some models that need some work in that department. All credit will be given to the correct people as required (and requested).

Anyways, if anyone has any other ideas, please let me know, and I will see what I can do. I also hope to uncover some other secrets as I go.

Edited by - IAmMarauder on 07-06-2003 14:33:31