Post Thu Jun 05, 2003 2:35 am

Organizational Skills, A Good Habit

I'm not really one to talk, but maybe we could organize the topics a bit better to make it easier for the readers to glance at, so we don't have 1 trillion replies on one topic, you know like, well i was just looking at the ship wish list post, im not saying the post is stupid, i for one like the idea, give an amateur a chance to have something he/she wants actually in the game. But, the topic has like 100 posts, maybe if instead of having ship wish list, you could have ship wish lists for star wars and one for WC, etc...and another thing, i just wish that the people posting {i would call them posters, but... well anyway} would stick to the topic of the post. If one person drifts off topic, 5 posts later, it could be a whole different idea, i say, lets respect the authors and stick to the point....
-thanks for reading my endless BS...Alex