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Hostile Universe Version 5 Released.

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Fri May 30, 2003 11:11 am

to giskard

Great work man finally i can see Fury and others in colour.

Post Fri May 30, 2003 4:08 pm

Sith: where you one of those effected by the white texture problem ?

I need to confirm the fix worked, so if you where, a simply yes will confirm it for me.

Newmars is not really that difficult a system. Most areas are level 5 with a few lvl25 areas that use level 10 encounters. I would not go there with a standard light fighter unless its been upgraded but any ship sold in Newmars can handle the pirates in that system.

Any guys, Pirates will be a feature of V6. I suggest you start learning where all the Border world jumpholes are because Newmars will be connecting to them soon. Also, when Version 6 is released, start searching for pirate bases in Newmars.

Right now though, im researching a brand new docking system using a docking cylinder that im going to graft onto the side of some stations. It will be HUGE but it should allow Capital ships to be used for the first time in hostile universe.


Post Fri May 30, 2003 4:13 pm

Could you ad in an opensp-like thing in there? i'm using two now, one at differenttimes. one starts me off with no money. the other starts me off with money but as soon as i get to levels 2 or 3 i have to take mission 2.


Post Fri May 30, 2003 9:22 pm

To be honest im more interested in trigger bases missions that can be selected at any time. Working towards that goal now.


Post Fri May 30, 2003 10:07 pm

Hrm thats good too! lol i'm tired of going to newmars and looking at the job board while it says "You have to be friendlier.." but yeah if u want to do that opensp thing anytime then well that would be cool, just a suggestion....i would suggest keeping commodities prices the same throughout the universe just to make it harder


Post Sat May 31, 2003 8:57 am

Great Work............It's nice to finally see a mod that dosn't overpower everything else in the game.
As far as the reported FLMM problem, i'm using v1.2 beta with no problems. Even after having other mods installed, just used "restore backups" feature before installing HU. I did notice that after converting HU into a FLMM file and installing, the Freelancer.ini has 6 new .dlls. The 3 from your mod (also listed in your Freelancer ini) and 3 more that FLMM adds.

DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = respawnuniverse.dll ; Custom Dll
DLL = respawnbases.dll ; Custom Dll
DLL = respawnships.dll ; Custom Dll
DLL = respawnbases.dll ;added by FLMM
DLL = respawnships.dll ;added by FLMM
DLL = respawnuniverse.dll ;added by FLMM

This is the first time i tried your mod, so i don't know if it always installed this way. The point being as you can see the .dlls from your file and FLMM place them in the Freelancer.ini in a different order. Now this shouldn't be a problem because all the IDS names and Info are in your files are placed where you need them to read correctly(.dll # 7,8,9).
But if prior versions of HU did not have an included .ini file when installing with FLMM, who knows how FLMM placed them. This could cause all kinds of problems. Maybe this will help, if you continue your support for FLMM.

Keep up the good work !!!!!!!!

Post Sat May 31, 2003 3:07 pm

dgrx: I was not aware FLmm was doing that actually. I dont actually blame the mod managers for the problem because I know some players are using them with Hu without seeing any problems. But there is a large portion of users that through some action they have taken or not taken do have problems.

So its a case of "insert new user and try again" rather than the mod manager.

My idea was that if i removed mod manager support, the problems that came with that support would vanish over night.

Still, im listening to you guys and taking what you say to heart, lots of people want the mod manager support left in and nobody has asked for it to be removed so I may leave it in as requested.


Post Sat May 31, 2003 3:37 pm

Where you planning on adding comoditites to the bases? only the planets have them it seems.


Post Sat May 31, 2003 9:59 pm

The commodities require a lot of research but I was going to start charting them 2 hours ago but I was distracted by mods using parts of HU without my permission.

I wish people would ask first, if only so i can tell them which parts not to use.
Im not a selfish person but a little credit would be nice from time to time.


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