Post Mon May 12, 2003 10:02 am

New Freelancer Style Game Announced

Development has officially started on the latest Freelancer style game - Polaris Online. This open-source web-based MMORPG (Massivley Multiplayer Role Playing Game) is designed to support hundreds of players roleplaying in an entirley dynamic universe across the internet. Thats right, completly dynamic, that is, administrators can choose to add their own systems, ships, factions and more. Polaris Online Features turn-based combat based on player skills and experience (based on actual experience, not current funds).

As of today development has officially started, if you are a PHP programmer or talanted 3D/2D artist, or believe you have anything else to offer to this project please post in this thread or contact me by email at [email protected]

If you would like to know more about Polaris Online head over the the homepage at and vist the newly created forums.

Polaris Online Team Leader