Post Fri May 09, 2003 11:16 pm

frostworks "level 2" mod and RPG rules clarificati

I am posting this because some people seem to have run into some issues w/ our rules and the mod. Our goal w/ "level 2" is to create an RPG experience. the mod and rules, and indeed the server itself is in beta. Frost works members know this but first time visitors seem to be missing that point. As a result of the beta, the mod is updated weekly. As are the rules. When the mod is 100% complete, the rules will be also. To all new players i recommend checking the rules and participating in our forum for the latest updates, files and information.

I have had 2 people complain about the RPG style rules since the server launched last week. And unfortunately it turned pretty ugly. To avoid that i want to point out that there are many many other servers and mods that do not have any rules. Our server is only for those serious about a challenge and serious about existing in a online universe.

I hope this post has cleared some things up for new players and visitors. We are due for a new version on Sunday as well as a server reset. For those who few who were banned for inappropriate behavior, this is your chance to make a new character and try to play in the spirit of the rules our community has developed, with the understanding these rules may change as community members make suggestions and comments. Here are some helpful links for people who are interested in this kind of challenge.

freelancer forum:
expansion information:
server rules, downloads and info: