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New version OpenGate2 MOD

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Post Tue May 06, 2003 8:58 pm

New version OpenGate2 MOD

I uploaded a newer version of Opengate2 MOD. It opens all the jumpgates and holes from the start as first MOD but by request I added in the unlock codes for several gates and jumpholes that get closed during the SP campaign.

This MOD allows one to explore the universe more instead of being locked in system during the SP campaign. THe extra file M13.ini is the last mission and will open everthing. Load a old save game before the end to take affect, or just start a new game.

Please note that the extra systems do not get opened until the final last mission is played. FL was designed for SP campaign not to have access to these extra systems and jumpholes and gates after finish. This MOD re-opens them.

Post Mon May 19, 2003 7:59 pm

This al;l sounds great but... where is it? Could you post a link to your updated Mod please?

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