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New Babylon-Mod V2.0

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Fri Apr 25, 2003 9:57 pm

Looks like your server has cut off your website due to over traffic. It says traffic limit exceeded.

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 11:21 am

here it works fine in both SP and MP just downloaded and installed it


Post Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:13 pm

Cant dock white star cruiser anywhere, including planets

Post Sun Apr 27, 2003 5:18 pm

Okay, I've done my best to decode the install directions but I've come up short.

Could someone please post some clear instructions on files and their proper locations?


Post Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:29 am

Just wanted to say that the models that I've seen so far are great, haven,t had
any problems with the Whitestar other than if your trying to dock with system jump gates and are just going too fast or not lined up right you'll go to the cinamac
but since you missed the gate you go no where, however if you plan for this theres no problems

must have miss where it says you can find the ships in the install
will check that later, first stop will be leon base to check out the Vorlon fight
only playing this on a lan when you final get a whitstar with the best shield not much really stand up to you, but since you;ve put the time into playing the the game its a great reward

keep up the good work killermatrix

Post Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:48 pm

um yeah i know i've asked this before but, where are the beam weapons? All vorlon ships use them and so does the Battlecrab. I would REALLY like to see some BEAMS!

location: Z'ha'dum

Post Thu May 08, 2003 5:11 pm

i think crusse speed are way to fast and it stop battailships dockin with planits is just keep geting stuck on the dockin rings then dont move or u cant make jump holes that dock with planet but i know that stupid

Edited by - SOR_Plasma on 08-05-2003 18:15:01

Post Fri May 09, 2003 8:36 am

I have no idea how to install this mod thing. I downloaded the b5 mod and then clicked on it to install it. Everything was written in german, so I couldn't tell what was going on, although I know that the install was successful. What do you have to do after that preliminary install? How do i copy those files into the gamepath? More importantly, where are these files that need to be copied into the gamepath? Please give me some help. I love freelancer and I really loved babylon 5.

Big AL

Post Mon May 12, 2003 5:50 pm

I have just applied the pack and I like the sound of it. I'm whizzing round Liberty at the moment looking at the ships in the shops. Are the stats for the new ships supposed to be absent, or of another ship, or have I installed it wrong?
Are the stats of the new ships written down on a web site somewhere as I'd love to know what they are before I blow 1,000,000 on an omega destroyer.

Post Mon May 12, 2003 8:14 pm

Hmm. Nice mod with some nice stuff. However, whenever any of my friends try to activate any of their old save games on my server their game crashes whenever they try to launch their ships. For some reason I am unaffected by this. They can create new chars and I believe they are fine, but they do not want to loose their hard work.

Anyone else had this issue and know a way round it?

Post Tue May 13, 2003 5:40 pm

hi irgendwie gehn die texturen nich beim brakiri kreuzer und beim falcon hab ich was verkehrt gemacht oder ist das so??

Post Wed May 14, 2003 2:25 pm

Can all those of us who are not fluent in German look foward to an english version of the install?

it wouldnt be much to do, just a translation of the instructions with proper syntax so we can understand it.

Post Fri May 16, 2003 5:48 pm

Sorry if I'm being dumb - I'm a newbie - but can someone tell me how to install this mod? Do I just run the application?

Post Sat May 31, 2003 11:09 pm

How do you get the ships

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