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Need HELP with MOD.

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Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:18 pm

Need HELP with MOD.

Hi all :-)

//I am a NEWBIE to MOD'ing in FREELANCER.//

I am trying to make a MOD.

I have been trying to make a SPECIAL EFFECT in FREELANCER, but I DO-NOT know how to make it. :-(


I wan't to make a special SHIELD-

Which will BLINK or FLASH like a STROBE.
When it is HIT and REGENERATING, so as to try and blind the hostile ship from being able to hit the target.

I HAVE-NOT come accross any TUTORIALS, that cover what I am trying to do.

\\ If this is not possible, is their a similar EFFECT I could CREATE in FREELANCER. ? ? ? //

Could you Guy's HELP me, out!


Edited by - !atomic! on 11/20/2005 7:40:47 PM

Post Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:36 pm

Er, from my experience, that involves messing around with ALE files.

And as you should know, anything to do with ALE files results in a big fat "NO".

Sorry. :\

Post Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:46 pm

What is an "ALE File" ?

With the MODIFICATION's you can do in FREELANCER,
is their a similar EFFECT I can CREATE - or MIMMIC. ?

Is their anything I can do, that could resemble even slightly, what I am TRYING to do. ?

How about just a BLINKING SHIELD - non stop. Is that POSSIBLE. ?

Post Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:52 am

Thats what i'm telling you, its not possible.

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