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WTS-2.2 and others mods prob

Here you can get help with applying those different MODifications for Freelancer


Post Sat Sep 18, 2004 10:40 pm

WTS-2.2 and others mods prob

about 1/2 the time when i load a mod with new systems/factions/bases/planets they appear: for systems/baes/planets they are blank names, for factions it says IDS? in the faction for the name of it, and nothing in the window of it...

any help?

i have already uninstalled fl and flmm and the mod and redid it.... next i'm going to install the sdk and try it...

edit: tried it and it dosen't work..... gonna try reinstalling more stuff..

Edited by - xxx on 9/18/2004 11:48:43 PM

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:47 pm

What Windows version are you running. I know of bugs with Windows 98 which means IDS information cannot be seen by the player in modifications. It may apply to windows 2000 as well - dunno.


Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:31 pm

yes i am running 98, means i can't fix it?

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